Clutch (The Twitchers, #3) (2024)

Sophie Crane

4,441 reviews166 followers

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April 18, 2023

This is another great book by MG Leonard and this is the 3rd book in the twitchers series.
In this book Jack and the other twitchers try to catch an egg thief in their town.
My favorite character in this book was Jack because he seemed kind.
The book kept me guessing right to the end who the thief was and because if this I couldn't put it down.
I would recommend this book for children age 9 plus,
(Thanks to Net Galley for this Book).



57 reviews6 followers

March 21, 2023

I love The Twitchers series so much and I'm delighted to have read an advanced copy of Clutch (thanks to Walker Books via Netgalley). This is one of my favourite series to recommend to children in the bookshop - kids who are birdwatching detectives, does it get much cooler than that?! The series continues to excite - this is a high stakes mystery as the Twitchers try to track down an egg thief seemingly hidden in plain sight. It's a race against the clock as they try to protect a pair of spoonbills and their eggs. I love everything about these books - the characters (I wanted to scoop Twitch up when he starts to think that his birdwatching hobby is seen as "odd" and "obsessive" by other people), the plot, those gorgeous striking covers and all of the BIRDS! I can't wait to get Clutch into my bookstore and to continue sharing these stories.



112 reviews3 followers

July 8, 2023

I love this series and this was a great new addition!.

Twitch, Jack and their friends are once more involved in solving a mystery when precious birds' eggs start to go missing from the nature reserve where they live. A fishing competition has brought lots of mysterious strangers to the town and they have to work out which of them is the thief.

It was a really well plotted story with enough clues that you could work out who had done it but lots of red herrings to keep it interesting. I loved the relationships between Twitch and his friends - there were very realistic squabbles and disagreements between them but ultimately they all supported each other and worked together to protect the eggs.

M.G. Leonard is clearly really knowledgeable about birds and her knowledge was cleverly woven into the story so you learned about them as you went along, but also left you wanting to go and find out more about them.

A really great series; something very unique and interesting!

Jeanet Tiemessen

173 reviews3 followers

February 27, 2024

Gepikt – M.G. Leonard

Het slechtvalkennest in het Avesbos wordt beroofd. Wie steelt er vogeleieren?
Twitch, Jack en hun vrienden proberen de schurk te vangen, maar ze raken verstrikt in een gevaarlijk kat-en-muisspelletje.
Kunnen ze zichzelf redden en de eierdief tegenhouden?

Gepikt is deel drie in de serie met de Twitchers en op zich zijn alle drie de delen prima los van elkaar te lezen, maar nog leuker wordt het om de serie op volgorde te lezen. Je leert de vrienden dan nóg beter kennen en begrijpen. Daarnaast is deze serie gewoon té leuk om niet alle boeken te lezen!

De prachtige en uitnodigende cover van Gepikt zorgt ervoor dat je meteen zin krijgt in een spannend avontuur en mee gaat met die jacht op de eierdief!

De plattegrond van het Avesbos en Poeldal zijn erg leuk om tijdens het lezen nog eens naar terug te bladeren. Je krijgt dan een beter beeld en stiekem ook nog meer het idee dat je dit spannende avontuur zelf mee beleeft!

Door een viswedstrijd wordt het dorp overspoeld met mogelijke verdachten en de leuke plottwist zorgen ervoor dat je wel door moet blijven lezen. Ook de korte hoofdstukken met de kleine cliffhangers aan het eind dragen daar aan bij.

Het groepje kinderen is een leuke mix van jongens en meisjes, waar kinderen zich in kunnen herkennen. Er zit voor iedereen wel iemand bij waar je je mee kunt identificeren.

Het verhaal is niet alleen lekker spannend en grappig, maar ook nog eens erg leerzaam. Na het lezen ervan zou je het liefst de verrekijker pakken, naar het bos gaan en kijken hoeveel vogels je zou herkennen.

Gepikt is dan ook een super leuk boek over vriendschap en samenwerking voor kinderen vanaf ongeveer 8/9 jaar die ook van de natuur houden en daar graag over lezen.

5 ★

Bedankt uitgeverij Lannoo voor dit recensieboek!

Jo Bardgett

74 reviews2 followers

May 1, 2023

By M.G. Leonard
Published by Walker Books Ltd

The third instalment in the Twitchers series finds the birdwatching detectives on another dangerous adventure and stakeout to prevent wild birds' eggs being stolen.
M.G. Leonard shares her passion and know how about the world of oology to entice us and educate us.

There's an egg snatcher in Aves Wood, the Twitchers have a new case to solve.
With migrating birds returning to build their nests, eggs are going missing!
Horrified and at a loss, the birdwatching detectives set up a stakeout, patrolling the woods to protect the nesting birds in an attempt to hunt down the despicable egg thief. Who could do such a thing?

But their suspicions and their protective passion do not run as smoothly and conclusively as first thought. The Twitchers then become caught up in their own trap. Can they work together to prove their innocence, their knowledge and catch the real criminal before any more birds get hurt? Will their friendship see them through?

The third wildlife mystery adventure for our gang of birdwatching detectives, from bestselling wildlife queen M.G. Leonard.

Joanne Bardgett - teacher of littlies, lover of Children’s literature.


James Marshall

2 reviews

May 2, 2023

The Twitchers Series has become probably my favourite recent middle-grade detective series, so naturally I pre-ordered Clutch from Waterstones and even plumped for the signed edition. I will say off the bat that I’ve greatly enjoyed all of them, but what of Clutch itself?
I think I’ll get my issues with the story out of the way first, as there’s a lot more that I liked than what I didn’t. After the first few gripping chapters, the story up until just after the midpoint dragged a little, to me. I think a core issue is that there’s simply too many characters within the Twitchers group, to the point where most of them outside of Twitch, Jack and Ozuru (and Pippa, in this instance) don’t really add much to the narrative itself, or help to develop the mystery - unlike in the first novel in the series, Twitch, where Ava, Tara and Tippi were central to an aspect of the mystery. There’s even a point during a scene where Pippa is talking to Twitch that M.G Leonard erroneously referred to Pippa as “Tippi”. When even the author mixes up who’s who, you know that’s probably a sign to rein things in a bit! The only other narrative issue I had was that the Canal Masters Fishing Competition, where The Twitchers retrieve their suspects from, had no direct relation to the egg thievery at the core of the mystery, and so at times during the suspect introductions, I did find myself losing interest – again, unlike in a previous book in the series, this time the second one, Spark, where the villain’s glamorous party was revealed early on to relate directly to the danger posed to the Lammergeier, hence keeping my investment throughout.
Thankfully, a few quite worrying revelations occur just after the halfway point that suddenly grabbed me and refused to let go – I had to find out how they worked themselves out. I think actually that some of the tensest moments during this second half was the most gripped I’ve been in a middle-grade detective novel for some time; it was excellent storytelling, with some of Twitch’s personal struggles to be understood hitting close to home, as someone who’s also been told as a child that their interests were “odd”. The true perpetrators of the egg thievery also threw a curveball, keeping me guessing right until the revelation, leading to a very satisfying conclusion. Hence, my overarching impressions are of a book that, a few pacing issues in the first half aside, continued the author’s skill at twisting and turning mysteries that challenge the reader as they unfold themselves, resulting in a book that was a definite page turner and an excellent third instalment to a world I’m desperate to see more of.

January 12, 2024

I received an eARC from the publishers through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. It has not affected my opinions.

CLUTCH is yet another brilliant mystery around a nature based crime – this time stealing eggs, thus further endangering bird populations.

I really like how these books highlight the range of ways birds can be targeted, the sort of stories that don’t make the news but can be devastating to local and global populations. Plus it’s a series all about the wonder of birds and makes you want to pick up some binoculars and go bird watching.

Twitch and Jack both narrate this book. Having each had their own book (TWITCH and SPARK respectively), it was really nice to see them both get to shine in this one.

The crimes seem to be linked to the fishing competition that’s just started. I really liked how another nature-based hobby was brought into the series, using it to highlight how hobbies that can seem very naff to those not into them require so much skill. It was also a great vehicle to bring suspects into the town and put a time limit of how long the twitchers had to uncover the truth.

I think my favourite part was when the evidence started pointing the wrong way – it really helped up the stakes for getting the villain. The police were convinced they knew who it was, so weren’t going to help, and if they hadn’t been proved wrong, there would have been really personal consequences too.

I am hoping for another book – these are so much fun and highlight the amazing world out there (plus the danger it is in – Twitch has a great speech about the threats to the natural world.)

Whispering Stories

2,935 reviews2,608 followers

August 21, 2023

I read the first book, Twitch back in July 2021 and to be honest I thought I had read book 2, however, it turns out I hadn't. Never mind, this book can be read as a standalone too.

Corvus Featherstone or Twitch as he is known is a bird watcher. He loves nothing more than to be in the woods watching with his friends whilst they watch their feathered friends, and solving crimes. In this book the bird watching detectives are looking for a thief.

The thief is stealing precious bird eggs but with lots of strangers in the area for a competition the friends have stumped as to who it could be. Time for some detective work.

Clutch is a fabulous middle-grade story. It is exciting, fun-filled, and engaging. It has amazing characters and might just get the reader interested in wild-life, especially birds.

The book is certainly a page-turner and hooks you right from the beginning. It is lovely to be back with the young friends again as they not only watch birds and solve crimes they are usual children with their moods, daftness, and friendships.

Overall, I would suggest reading this book from the beginning but hey you get to read three amazing books and you are in for a real treat.


70 reviews

April 26, 2023

I love, love, love this twitch series from MG Leonard! Clutch is the third book in the Twitchers series and the series follows the adventures of a group of young birdwatchers who solve mysteries and protect wildlife. In Clutch, the Twitchers are on the case when a peregrine falcon's nest is raided and the eggs are stolen. The Twitchers must use all their skills to track down the thief and save the eggs.

Clutch is a fast-paced and exciting mystery that will keep readers on the edge of their seats. The Twitchers are a likable and relatable group of characters, and readers will root for them as they solve the mystery. The book also features a strong environmental message about the importance of protecting wildlife.

Clutch is a great book for readers who love mysteries, birdwatching, and adventure. It is also a great choice for readers who are interested in learning more about environmental issues. I highly recommend Clutch to anyone who is looking for a fun and exciting read. - Honestly I’m a very big fan! so much so that I’ve ordered this third book as a signed copy as well!


1,447 reviews50 followers

May 5, 2023

M G Leonard kills it with this series every single time. Twitch was such a huge success, and usually I would try to avoid the band wagon, but this is a wagon you want to get on.

Clutch is the next adventure in the series, although I don't think its strictly necessary to have read any of the previous ones (it will be more fun if you do!). This time there is an egg thief on the loose, and time is of the essence.

As an avid reader I am often asked for recommendations. It's a lot of pressure. You don't want to be recommending something rubbish when you claim to be a reader! You know the pressure I speak of, I know you do. This series is, without fail, my go-to book to recommend to people for their children or if they enjoy middle-grade themselves - it has everything: pacing, friendship, fun and mystery.

M G Leonard just made it to my "auto-buy" authors; they never fail to produce something amazing, and the covers look amazing on my shelf too!

ARC provided from the publishers in exchange for an honest review.

    arc-s childrens-books reviews


2,375 reviews63 followers

May 21, 2023

I have read and enjoyed all three of Angie Thomas books, The Hate U Give, On The Come Up, and Concrete Rose. So when I found out Angie Thomas had written a fantasy novel, I knew it would be good.

Nic Blake And The Remarkables: The Manifestor Prophecy, is a middle grade fantasy novel, unlike the author’s previous novels have all been contemporary fictional.

Nic Blake is a remarkable. All Nic has ever wanted is for her dad to teach her the GIFT, Now Nic Nac, as her father calls her has reached the age of twelve, her dad is going to teach her the GIFT to become a real Manifestor. The unremarkables don’t know anything about the GIFT.

Nic Blake gets a hellhound pup for her twelfth birthday.

The illusion of this fantastic fantasy is a must read for middle grade readers.

Although I enjoyed this first fantasy novel by Angie Thomas, for me personally my favourite is still the contemporary fiction book, The Hate U Give. But I’m ready to read another fantasy novel if Angie Thomas desires to write another one.

Anne Boyere

32 reviews1 follower

April 15, 2023

There's an egg thief in Aves Wood, The Twitchers realise that all the nesting brids and their future chicks are in grave danger when the peregrine falcon nest is raided, Twitch is horrified and quickly hatches a plan to catch the thief. Can the Twitchers save the birds and stop a thief who will stop at nothing before someone gets hurt?

This the third installment in the 'Twithcers' series and what an addition! The series is growing stronger with every new book. The relationships between the children are evolving beautifully in front of us and are still given the same careful attention by M.G. Leonard - with a cast of characters such as 'Clutch' this is no mean feat!
I don't want to give any spoilers but know that you will race through the book, feel heartbroken and outraged for our heroes and the birds and Aves Wood but all will be well in the end :)
'Clutch' is the perfect Spring read and a great way to raise awarness about the need to look after the natural world.

Catherine Fraser

30 reviews

June 5, 2023

I thoroughly enjoyed Clutch. Great KS2 book for nature loving dectectives out there. I'll be recommending this to children at my school.
I enjoyed the mix of characters in the friendship group and the pair of pranksters who gave comic moments. The storyline was great with a fantastic balance between birdwatching and sleuthing. There is a lovely relationship in the understanding and empathy for nature in Twitch and the way he influences his friends. His friends investigate all the egg thief suspects and it keeps you guessing. This will really hook in lots of young readers. It also gave me a personal feeling of nostalgia as I remember my cousin birdwatching and collecting broken eggshells when birds had fledged. I've even ordered my own replica eggs from the information at the back.

Kristina Watts

162 reviews

March 18, 2023

Twitch and Jack are shocked to hear that someone has been stealing eggs from the local nests, blowing the contents out and collecting the egg shells. The twitchers are on the case and again make it their mission to find out who is at work within the Aves wood area. Unfortunately there is a canal fishing competition going on, and so, with all the newcomers to the area it is hard for the team to uncover who it could be and it could be anyone. I love the books in the twitchers series because it introduces everyone to birdwatching and preservation and helps create the next generation of twitchers and conservationists.

Susanne Koster

Author13 books12 followers

March 21, 2024

Gepikt is het derde deel in een serie met de vriendengroep de Twitchers. De eerste twee delen kende ik niet en eigenlijk maakte dat niet heel veel uit, alle delen zijn goed los van elkaar te lezen, maar ik kan me voorstellen dat het verhaal nog leuker wordt, wanneer je de voorgeschiedenis kent van Twitch, Jack en hun hechte vriendengroep. Twitch is de ultieme vogelkenner, Jack de detective en samen met hun vriendengroepje, die allemaal een belangrijke rol spelen, beleven ze de meest spannende avonturen.

In Gepikt gaat het om de gestolen eieren van een slechtvalknest in de buurt van Poeldal, de plaats waar Twitch woont. Vogeleieren stelen is niet alleen strafbaar, maar het is ook nog eens verschrikkelijk! Twitch is er ontzettend verdrietig en boos over. De eieren zijn zeldzaam en moeten koste wat kost beschermd worden.
Lees mijn volledige recensie op:


120 reviews4 followers

April 13, 2023

Absolutely loved this 3rd book in the Twitchers series and I think it is the best yet. This time it is Spring and Twitch and his gang have to stop egg thieves and find out who is stealing the rare birds eggs. Along the way, we get to see more of the strong friendships developing which was one of my favourite things about the book and see Twitch get into trouble but I won't spoil it for you! As a reader I loved how I kept changing my mind about who the thief was and I kept getting clues along the way.


445 reviews20 followers

March 19, 2023

I cannot say how much I adore this book series and the characters in it! Whilst book one focussed on Twitch and book two focussed more on Jack, this felt more evenly weighted between the pair which I loved! The mystery of the stolen eggs was engaging, intriguing and sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat gripping but I also found the story of Twitch's eco-anxiety compelling and thought this was delicately dealt with. I am already exciting for the fourth book!



228 reviews1 follower

June 19, 2023

Yes another smart bird related mystery for the Twitchers to solve, this time involving the theft of birds eggs by unscrupulous collectors. The plot is well thought out, with a good cast of suspects, clues, and investigation all working perfectly. Twitch and Jack are great characters, their skills complementing each other and developing as the series progresses. I really love the underlying conservation messages included in each of these novels, and in this one the threats to rare species is merged with the detective story particularly well. This is such a great series and I can't wait till the next one.
My thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in return for an honest review.


1,158 reviews84 followers

April 23, 2023

I love these bird-loving, clue-hunting, eco-warriors and their adventures! I’ve raced through this in like 2 days. When Twitch’s character is called into question, can his friends find the real culprit and save the precious birds of Bridvale? Just brilliant! I really hope there’s more to come in this series!


1,236 reviews24 followers

March 24, 2023

I really really love this series, Twitch and Jack are so damn adorable. I love them both so much and I always love the mystery element. The friend group is so sweet and supportive and I always enjoy that aspect of it.

I was sent this book by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Mrs Walsh

575 reviews5 followers

April 16, 2023

I think this is my favourite of the whole series!! I loved how it jumped between Twitch and Jack. The addition of some great characters. An amazing storyline. Some great twists. Just a gripping read from beginning to end!


948 reviews15 followers

May 6, 2023

Exciting, nerve-wracking, funny and mysterious. I really enjoy the Twitch stories. I'm looking forward to the final book in the series, though I'll also be sad it's the last one.

Michella (BoekenMiesje)

101 reviews4 followers

May 16, 2023

3,5 ⭐️


21 reviews

June 20, 2023

Another brilliant book from M. G. Leonard.


Author5 books4 followers

July 24, 2023

Started off a bit slowly for me but pace picked up and MG Leonard never disappoints!


263 reviews2 followers

September 30, 2023

This one was probably the most tense out of the 3 so far. I'm already hungry for more.

    2023 4-stars middle-grade


19 reviews


November 8, 2023

So good I don’t know what to rate it!

Lee Wainwright

Author6 books1 follower

January 17, 2024

A great story for kids and educational too.


149 reviews

February 22, 2024


Connor Davies

134 reviews

March 27, 2024

Loved it - best of the series so far! Great characters, love the conservation messages weaved through, it was compelling - wholesome as anything!

Clutch (The Twitchers, #3) (2024)
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