How Long Does Weed Take To Grow: Marijuana Growing Time Tips | Brand Buzz! | Lost Coast Outpost (2024)

Whenit comes to growing marijuana, time is of the essence. Whether you'rea seasoned or budding grower, you're probably curious about how longit takes to grow weed. The answer isn't as straightforward as youmight think, as several factors impact the length of the growingprocess. In this article, we'll break down everything you need toknow about marijuana growing time, from seed to harvest.

How Long Does WeedTake To Grow?

Onaverage, the marijuana growing process takes around 4-8 months.However, it's important to note that this is just a general estimate.Variables like genetics, growing conditions, and cultivation methodscan all impact the growing time.

Strain & Type

Thestrain of marijuana plays a big role in how long it takes to grow.Some strains mature more quickly than others. For example, indicastrains tend to grow faster than sativastrains.

Additionally,the genetic makeup of the chosen strain plays a pivotal role indetermining the overall growth period. Autofloweringstrains typically mature in about 8 weeks. Thesestrains automatically flower (start producing buds) after a certainamount of time, regardless of light cycles. They're often faster togrow than regular strains.

Feminizedstrains might demand 10-12 weeks. These seeds havebeen specially treated to produce only female plants (which producebuds). They can save growers time and hassle, since male plants don'tproduce buds and need to be removed.

Growing Environment

Temperature,humidity, and lighting can all impact the length of the growingprocess. Cannabis plants thrive in a specific temperature range(around 70-85°F) and humidity range (40-70%), and need a specificlight cycle to trigger flowering. If the environment is off, it canslow down growth.

Indoorcultivation provides precise control over factors like light,temperature, and humidity, allowing for a quicker flowering phase,often within a few weeks. Outdoor cultivation is more complicated asthere are outside forces beyond the grower’s control, such asweather and soil quality.

Growing Method

Growingcannabis indoors or outdoors can make a big difference in how long ittakes to grow. Indoor growing typically results in faster growth, asyou can control the environment more precisely. Outdoor growing issubject to the whims of Mother Nature and can take longer.

Pruning Techniques

Pruning,or trimming, cannabis plants can also affect growth time and overallyield. For example, strategic pruning during the vegetative phaseencourages lateral growth, resulting in a denser, bushier plantstructure. This helps the plant focus its energy on developinglarger, more potent buds. It also reduces the risk of mold or otherissues by improving airflow and light penetration.

Cannabis GrowthStages And Time

Growingcannabis is a complex process that involves several distinct stages.Each stage has its own unique characteristics and estimated duration,from the initial germination of seeds to the final harvest of driedbuds. Understanding these stages and their timelines can help growersplan their cultivation schedule and optimize the overall yield andquality of their plants. Now, let's dive into each stage and itsexpected timeline.


Thegermination phase sets the foundation for growth. While seedstypically sprout within 24 to 72 hours, factors like water, humidity,and temperature influence this period.

Oneof the most widely used methods for germinating cannabis seeds is thepaper towel method, where you moisten a paper towel, place the seedsbetween the folds, and keep it in a warm, dark place. However, somegrowers prefer to use germination stimulators to speed up theprocess.


Followinggermination, the seedling stage unfolds over 2 to 3 weeks. Properlighting, humidity, and nutrition are critical for seedling growth.

Theemergence of the first true leaves signals the end of the seedlingphase and the beginning of the next stage of growth, where the plantstarts to develop additional foliage and grow more vigorously.


Thevegetative stage, lasting 2 to 8 weeks, witnesses a significantgrowth spurt. Environmental factors like temperature, lighting, andnutrients influence how quickly the plants grow.


Hormonalchanges signal the transition to the flowering stage. Thispre-flowering period usually lasts 1-2 weeks.

Determiningthe sex of the plants during the pre-flowering stage is important forensuring a successful harvest, as male and intersex plants cannegatively impact the quality of the female buds.


Theflowering stage typically spans 6 to 8 weeks. Buds will start to formand swell, with pistils (hairs) emerging from the calyxes (femaleflower parts). As the flowering stage progresses, the buds willcontinue to develop, and the trichomes will start to become morevisible, appearing as tiny, shiny crystals.

Thesmell of the buds will intensify, and growers need to maintain properhumidity and temperature levels to prevent mold or mildew.


Toharvest at the peak of potency and flavor, growers closely watch thedevelopment of the trichomes (the resin glands) and pistils (thesmall hairs on the flowers). Once harvested, the buds are trimmed toremove excess leaves and stems, leaving behind the dense, resinousflowers. The trimmed buds are then dried and cured, leading to thefinal product - potent cannabis that’s been cared for from seed toharvest.

How Long Does WeedTake To Grow By Strain Type

Thissection will outline the main weed strains. Different strains ofcannabis have different flowering times, affecting the overall timeit takes to grow the plant. From fast-flowering indicas tolonger-flowering sativas, there's a strain for every timeline andgoal.



WeddingCake is a popular indica-dominant hybrid strain knownfor its sweet and earthy flavors. Here are some highlights:

>>>Buy Wedding Cake Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

WeddingCake is a hybrid strain known for its sweet and cake-like aroma andflavor. It's a cross between Girl Scout Cookies and Cherry Pie. Withup to 25% THC, the high from Wedding Cake is described as a euphoric,relaxing, and happy one - perfect for unwinding after a long day.

>>>Read Wedding Cake Full Review

Growing Process

WeddingCake is a beautiful and potent strain, but it requires some extracare and attention during the growing process to achieve its fullpotential. With the right conditions, you can expect a high-yielding,high-THC strain that provides a unique and memorable smokingexperience.

Ensurethat the plant receives plenty of light during the vegetative stage,and lower the light intensity during the flowering stage.Additionally, maintain a temperature between 70-85 degrees Fahrenheitand a relative humidity of 40-50%.



GorillaGlue is an award-winning hybrid strain known for itspotent THC levels.

  • Flavor Profile:Sweet, earthy, and pungent.

  • Strain: 50/50Sativa to Indica ratio

  • Effects: Uplifting,euphoric, and relaxing effects that can help alleviate stress,anxiety, and pain.

  • Growing Process: Indoorcultivation is recommended due to its high-maintenance requirements,including proper lighting, ventilation, and humidity control.

>>>Buy Gorilla Glue Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

GorillaGlue, also known as GG4 or Original Glue, is a potent hybrid strainthat boasts an average THC content of around 20%. As a result, it'soften considered to be a strain best suited for experienced cannabisusers. It's known for its relaxing and sedative effects, and it'soften used to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and pain.

>>>Read Gorilla Glue Full Review

Growing Process

TheGorilla Glue strain is known for its dense, sticky buds, and itsgrowing process requires some specific conditions to ensure asuccessful harvest. Make sure to use a rich, organic soil mix andprovide the plants with high levels of light during the vegetativestage, and lower the intensity during flowering. Regularly fertilizeand water the plants, but be careful not to overdo it, as this canlead to root rot or nutrient burn.

Onething to note is that Gorilla Glue can grow quite tall, so if you’regrowing it indoors, you’ll need to keep an eye on its height andconsider using some low-stress training techniques to keep it undercontrol.



PurpleHaze is a classic, psychedelic sativa-dominant hybridstrain.

  • Flavor Profile:Floral and fruity aroma with notes of berries and grape.

  • Strain: 60%sativa and 40% indica.

  • Effects: Well-knownfor its energizing, creative, and uplifting effects.

  • Growing Process: Prefersa warm, dry climate with good ventilation and requires carefulmonitoring of pH levels and regular feeding with nutrients toachieve optimal growth.

>>>Buy Purple Haze Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

PurpleHaze is a classic strain that's been around for decades. It's knownfor its high THC content, typically between 14-19%, which results ina deep sense of euphoria and creativity. Users often report feelingcontent for long periods of time.

Growing Process

PurpleHaze plants are beginner-friendly and require minimal maintenance,making them an ideal choice for novice growers. These hardy plantsare resistant to common diseases and thrive in a variety of climates.They can withstand strong winds but require protection from heavyrains and storms. Outdoor plants typically yield a bountiful harvestof colorful buds in mid-October, with the potential for up to 24 ozper plant. Indoor growers can expect a shorter flowering period of 7weeks and a yield of around 21 oz per plant.

SuperLemon Haze


SuperLemon Haze is a fan-favorite sativa-dominant hybridwith a citrusy twist.

  • Flavor Profile:Bright, citrusy aroma with hints of lemon and haze.

  • Strain: 80%sativa and 20% indica.

  • Effects: Promotescreativity, focus, and positivity.

  • Growing Process: Doesbest in a sunny, Mediterranean-style climate. Regular feeding withhigh-quality nutrients is key to maximizing bud size and potency.

>>>Buy Super Lemon Haze Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

Witha THC content of around 19-22%, Super Lemon Haze is known forproviding a boost of energy and creativity, making it perfect fordaytime use. Users report feeling focused, alert, and happy afterusing Super Lemon Haze, making it a great strain for socialsituations and creative activities. It's also said to have potentialtherapeutic benefits for those dealing with anxiety, stress, andfatigue.

Growing Process

Thegermination process for Super Lemon Haze seeds is straightforward andcan be achieved using the paper towel method. First, soak the seedsin bottled spring water for 14-18 hours. Next, place the moistenedseeds between folded paper towels on a plate, ensuring the seeds haveadequate space to germinate. Keep the plate in a dark room withtemperatures around 80°F. Mist the paper towels occasionally tomaintain moisture. In 2-7 days, tap roots will emerge from the seeds,indicating that they are ready to be planted. In case of anemergency, you can germinate the seeds in a cup of bottled springwater until the tap root appears, and then move to the paper towelmethod.



BlueDream has been around for a while and has become astaple in many dispensaries and the cannabis community as a whole.

  • Flavor Profile:Sweet berry aroma with a hint of earthiness and pine.

  • Strain: 60%sativa and 40% indica.

  • Effects: Providesa blissful, mellow high that induces relaxation and improves mood.

  • Growing Process: Canbe grown both indoors and outdoors, but requires regular pruning andmoderate water.

>>>Buy Blue Dream Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

BlueDream features THC levels ranging from 17-24%. It's known forproviding a cerebral and uplifting effect that's great forsocializing and being creative, while also providing a relaxing bodyhigh that can help with stress and anxiety. Overall, Blue Dream is awell-rounded and popular strain that's great for many differentoccasions and types of users.

Growing Process

BlueDream is known for its delightful blueberry aroma and frosty bluishbuds, making it a visual and olfactory delight. As aMediterranean-style strain, it prefers warm, dry climates and can begrown with relative ease. However, its strong aroma may attractunwanted pests, so proper pest management is essential.

Whengrown indoors, Blue Dream has a flowering period of 9-10 weeks, withyields averaging 600g/m2. Outdoors, it typically harvests in mid tolate-October, and its tall plants may benefit from trainingtechniques to maximize yield.



WhiteWidow, an award-winning cannabis strain, boasts a highTHC content (15-20%), producing a strong cerebral high that can beenergizing or sedating, depending on the user.

  • Flavor Profile:Distinctive earthy, piney aroma, with a sweet and spicy taste.

  • Strain: 40%sativa and 60% indica.

  • Effects: Knownfor its energizing and uplifting effects, making it popular amongcreatives and socializers. It can help alleviate stress, depression,and anxiety, and may also stimulate appetite.

  • Growing Process: Idealfor indoor growing due to its compact size and quick flowering time.

>>>Buy White Widow Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

WhiteWidow is another classic strain that's known for its high THCcontent, ranging from 15-20%. It's a hybrid strain that has areputation for delivering a strong, energetic high that's perfect fordaytime use. Many users report feeling motivated, focused, andeuphoric after consuming White Widow. While it's great for creativeactivities, it's also said to have therapeutic benefits for thosedealing with depression, stress, and fatigue.

Growing Process

WhiteWidow is a hardy plant that offers abundant yields, making it apopular choice among growers. The plant reaches up to 8 feet tall,boasting bushy green foliage and thick branches that support large,frosty colas. This strain thrives in warm conditions but can alsotolerate cooler temperatures.

Indoors,growers can expect yields of at least 400 grams per square foot,while outdoor plants produce roughly 300 grams per plant. With itsease of cultivation and generous yields, White Widow is a practicaland rewarding option for both novice and experienced growers alike.



SourDiesel is a sativa-dominant strain that’s beenaround since the early 90s. It’s become a staple in the cannabisworld for its pungent, diesel-like smell, hence the name.

  • Flavor Profile: Powerful, pungent, skunky aroma.

  • Strain: 90% sativa and 10% indica.

  • Effects: High THC levels, delivering a strong, energetic, andcerebral high.

  • Growing Process: This strain loves the heat - hightemperatures and high humidity are ideal.

>>>Buy Sour Diesel Seeds <<<

Content & Effects

Thissativa-dominant strain has a high THC content, typically between15-25%, which means it packs a powerful punch. Many users say itprovides a cerebral, energizing high that can boost creativity andproductivity, while also providing a sense of relaxation. It's oftenused to help with depression, fatigue, and stress, as well as toboost appetite.

>>>Real Full Sour Diesel Review

Growing Process

SourDiesel is a fuss-free strain that beginners can grow with ease. It'sversatile and adapts well to various climates, thriving in temperate,continental, sunny, or Mediterranean conditions.

Indoors,it grows to a manageable 0-4 feet, while outdoors, it can reach 5-8feet. With an 8-10 week growth period, this strain offers a quickturnaround time and a satisfying yield for growers.

How To Speed Up The GrowingProcess

Here are some tips for quickening the growing process of cannabis:

ChooseThe Right Strain

Certain strains naturally grow faster than others. Indica strainstend to have a shorter flowering time than sativas, so they might bea good choice if you're looking to speed up the process.

PreferIndoor Strains

Opting for an indoor cultivation setup provides growers with greatercontrol over various environmental factors.

Indoor environments allow precise regulation of lighting,temperature, and humidity levels, contributing to an acceleratedgrowth cycle. This level of control can be particularly advantageousfor those looking to streamline the overall time required forcannabis plants to reach maturity.

FeedYour Marijuana Plants With Nutrients

Enhancing the growth rate of marijuana plants involves providing themwith the appropriate nutrients at key stages of their development.During the vegetative stage, in particular, nitrogen, potassium, andphosphorus play vital roles in supporting robust growth. Timely andwell-balanced nutrient supplementation can contribute significantlyto the overall health and vigor of the plants, potentially leading tofaster and more robust development.

These strategies, when employed synergistically, can collectivelycontribute to expediting the cannabis growing process. Carefulconsideration of strain characteristics, the adoption of controlledindoor environments, and a strategic approach to nutrient managementall play integral roles in achieving a more efficient and acceleratedcultivation timeline.

HarvestYour Plants Regularly

Incorporating a routine harvesting schedule is a proactive measure tostimulate continuous growth in your plants. By consistentlyharvesting mature buds, you prompt the plant to redirect its energytowards new growth, fostering a more robust and prolific cultivation.

Beyond promoting ongoing productivity, regular harvesting alsoguarantees a continuous supply of fresh, high-quality buds. Thispractice not only supports the plant's overall health but alsoensures that you consistently enjoy the freshest and most potentyield from your cannabis crop.

FAQ On Growing Marijuana

Can IGrow Marijuana At Home?

The answer depends on where you live. It's essential to familiarizeyourself with the local regulations to determine if the cultivationof recreational or medical marijuana is allowed in your area.Checking and adhering to these laws ensures compliance with the legalframework governing marijuana cultivation in your region.

For the U.S., several states (such as California, Colorado,Washington, Oregon, and others) have legalized recreational and/ormedical marijuana. However, specific regulations vary by state.

How MuchWeed Does One Plant Yield?

It varies, but the average yield per plant is typically between 1-2ounces of dried bud.

Can IHarvest One Bud At A Time?

The yield of cannabis plants can vary, but on average, one planttypically produces between 1 to 2 ounces of dried buds. Keep in mindthat factors such as cultivation techniques, strain characteristics,and environmental conditions can influence the final yield.

How CanI Tell If My Buds Are Ready To Harvest?

You can tell if your buds are ready to harvest by looking for thefollowing signs: trichomes turning from clear to milky white, thepistils changing from white to brown or orange, and the buds feelingfirm and dense.


Recap On How How LongDoes Weed Take To Grow

Growingcannabis takes time and care, but with the right conditions andattention, you can achieve a successful harvest. The four stages ofgrowth include germination, seedling, vegetative, and flowering.Proper lighting, watering, and nutrient management are essential tohealthy plant growth. Indica strains generally flower faster thansativas, and proper curing post-harvest is crucial to the quality ofthe final product.

Additionally,it's important to be informed and to make responsible decisions whenit comes to purchasing cannabis seeds or clones for cultivation. Thegoal is to cultivate high-quality cannabis while also staying withinlegal and ethical guidelines.

Disclaimer:The information provided here is meant to increase yourawareness about health and the potential benefits of the use of theproducts described in this article. It is not intended as medicaladvice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before starting any new healthprogram or supplement regimen, consult a healthcare provider or aqualified medical professional.

How Long Does Weed Take To Grow: Marijuana Growing Time Tips | Brand Buzz! | Lost Coast Outpost (2024)
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