How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (2024)

Learn how to take plant cuttings, and you will be able to fill your pots and borders with an unlimited supply of your favorite varieties.

Not only is taking plant cuttings one of the most frugal and sustainable garden ideas, but it is also one of the most enjoyable. There is no greater pleasure than propagating and nurturing new plants – watching them grow large enough to eventually take pride of place in your garden.

‘It will take time to grow new plants from cuttings, but it won’t cost you anything, and you will be able to replicate the specific plant,’ says Period Living’s gardening expert Leigh Clapp.

‘There are many plants that can be grown from cuttings. It is like a little bit of magic that with a few careful cuts you can create a new plant. It takes practice, preparation and patience, but rewards with the results.’

Bear in mind that cuttings are not the only way of propagating plants – as well as sowing seeds, learning how to divide plants will also allow you to recreate many varieties. So it’s worth checking what the most reliable method is for your individual plant.

How to take plant cuttings – a step-by-step guide

How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (1)

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

‘Taking cuttings from plants, or propagating as it is technically called, is easy once you know how to do it,’ says Sarah Raven, plantswoman and founder of the Sarah Raven gardening brand.

‘We tend to take cuttings each year to give us plants for next spring and as insurance in case we need to replace any frost-killed plants.’

Different plants benefit from having cuttings taken at different stages – for example, when learning how to take rose cuttings, is often recommended that taking hardwood cuttings (from more mature growth) is more reliable, while softwood (fresh) and semi-ripe cuttings work best for other plant types. Check before making the cut.

1. Choose the best places to cut

The most important part of knowing how to take plant cuttings, is choosing the best possible growth. Always select healthy, straight growth – it should be a non-flowering stem, so check there are no buds present.

With softwood and semi-ripe cuttings, examine the plant for the most vigorous growth. ‘Try to select plant growth that has toughened up a little, so it is not too soft or bendy,’ says Clapp.

If you are taking cuttings from hardwood plants, then you are looking for growth produced this year that has had time to mature. ‘Ideally you are looking for material the thickness of a pencil,’ says Charlene Chick-Seward, propagator at the National Trust’s Nymans, a well-known Grade II-listed garden in West Sussex, England.

2. Take your cuttings

Ideally take plant cuttings in the morning – ‘this is when the plant is turgid, or full of water,’ says Clapp.

Always use clean tools, to minimize the risk of disease transference.

‘Using a very sharp knife, take a short piece of stem from the main plant,’ says Sarah Raven. ‘Trim to just below a leaf joint, so the cutting is 2 inches (5-6cm) long. Just below a leaf node is where there is the highest concentration of natural rooting hormone.'

If you aren’t able to immediately plant your cuttings, then you can temporarily put them into a polythene bag to keep in the moisture. But you must plant them within a few hours.

3. Prepare the cuttings for planting

To prepare your cuttings for planting, strip off all the leaves, leaving only the top pair.

'If the top pair of leaves is large, cut these in half across-ways,’ says Raven. ‘This seems brutal, but they will stay alive and continue to photosynthesize, and with half the surface area they won’t place as much demand on the stem to draw up water to support them. This makes the cutting more likely to root than flop.’

Next, remove the stem tip. ‘It’s at the top that the growth hormone concentrates, so by pinching it out, there’s nowhere for it to go but down, in order to encourage root formation,’ adds Raven.

For hardwood cuttings, make a diagonal cut at the top, above a node. ‘Make sure your top cut is on a slant to help avoid the top of the cutting rotting through the winter months,’ says Chick-Seward.

How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (2)

(Image credit: Mariia Boiko / Alamy Stock Photo)

4. How to plant cuttings in soil

Plant your cuttings in free-draining compost. ‘Use a 50/50 mix of peat-free propagation compost and coarse grit,’ advises Chick-Seward.

Fill up your pots and then water your potting mix, prior to planting the cuttings. When researching how to take plant cuttings, you will often be advised to dip the cuttings into hormone rooting powder before planting them, to encourage growth. However, this is not strictly necessary.

Clapp also suggests that honey is a natural alternative, due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. ‘Put a few cuttings in each pot, as success is not always guaranteed,’ she adds.

‘Insert your plant cuttings, well spaced, around the edge of the pots, about 2 inches (4-5cm) apart,' says Sarah Raven. 'By placing them around the edge, you encourage quicker root formation as the new roots quickly hit the side of the pot, break, and then branch into more lateral rootlets.’

However, if using long pots, you can plant the cuttings in a row. ‘We place 8-10 cuttings in a long pot – but a small trench in the ground will also do,’ adds Chick-Seward.

Push your cuttings into the compost nice and deep. ‘Each cutting needs to have at least one node underground and one above,’ says Clapp.

Water the compost again, as it’s vital that the cuttings aren’t allowed to dry out.

5. Protecting your cuttings

How much protection your cuttings require will depend on how tender they are – softwood cuttings are much more delicate than hardwood cuttings.

‘Cover the pot with a plastic bag supported on small canes to enclose the moisture,’ says Sarah Raven. ‘Pelargoniums are the exception of the tender perennials and don't need covering, but most things benefit from enclosure. If you have one, put them in a propagator with a bit of basal heat.’

Hardwood cuttings don't need much protection, although you should make sure the potting mix doesn’t dry out. ‘We find hardwood cuttings do best outside in a sheltered position,’ says Chick-Seward.

'During the summer months, make sure you keep your cuttings moist, and by late summer into early fall, you can pot your cuttings on.’

Cuttings need good light but not direct sun.

How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (3)

(Image credit: The National Trust Photolibrary / Alamy Stock Photo)

How long do plant cuttings take to root?

‘Plant cuttings should root within two to three weeks,’ says Raven. ‘You'll know they have taken when you see new growth at their tips. Turn over the pot and check for new white roots.

‘Take them out of the propagator and, if it's before October, pot them on. Water only when the compost is dry when you poke a finger down 2 inches (5cm) below the compost surface.’

Bear in mind that hardwood cuttings will take a lot longer to root, and you may find there isn’t much progress until early the following spring.

Your cuttings should be ready to plant out in the spring.

How to take softwood cuttings

A key aspect of learning how to take plant cuttings is to know the right stage for your chosen plant. Softwood cuttings are taken from fresh growth, when the stems are fairly soft and flexible. This method works best with plants that produce lots of new growth in the spring.

‘Softwood cuttings are generally taken in spring or early summer,’ says Clapp.

Though the cuttings will be more delicate than semi-ripe or hardwood cuttings, softwood cuttings are quick to root. However, they can easily die off, so work quickly and give them as much protection as possible.

How to take semi-ripe cuttings

Semi-ripe cuttings are taken from plants in late summer or early fall, once the current season’s growth has had more time to become established.

The method works well with almost any type of shrub, and has a high success rate.

The cuttings may take root during the fall, otherwise they will come along quickly the following spring.

How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (4)

(Image credit: Future)

How to take hardwood cuttings

Hardwood cuttings are taken from this year’s growth, which has had a chance to develop and mature into a strong ‘woody’ stem.

‘Late fall into winter is a great time for hardwood cuttings –it's a reliable method to help bulk out the shrubs in your garden,’ says Chick-Seward.

‘Here at Nymans we take many hardwood cuttings of dogwood (Cornus) – their beautiful colored stems make this a fun January or February job to help beat the winter blues.’

Hardwood cuttings are slow to root, but have a high success rate, and need little care or protection. It’s a great method for many shrubs, fruits and trees.

Best time to take cuttings from plants

‘Many gardeners take cuttings in spring – we do our dahlias and chrysanths then,’ says Sarah Raven.

‘In summer, when plants like nemesia, arctotis, osteospermums and lavender start their main growth spurt, we find that’s when they root the fastest.

‘We take salvia cuttings a bit later, in September or October, along with cobaea, fuschias and heliotropes. Pelargoniums are one of the easiest plants to propagate from and a good place to start.

List of plants that grow from stem cuttings

There is a huge range of plants that will grow from cuttings.

  • Most shrubs – including roses, hydrangeas, lavender, azaleas, philadelphus, buddleia, erica, hebe, mahonia, and viburnum.
  • Hardy and tender perennials – such as salvias, fuchsias, delphiniums, oriental poppies, osteospermum, petunias, verbena, and pelargoniums.
  • Hedging plants such as boxwood, holly, lonicera nitida, and privet.
  • Climbing plants – including honeysuckle, clematis, jasmine, and Virginia creeper.
  • Fruits – including gooseberries, currants, figs, and mulberry.
  • Trees – such as plane, poplar, magnolia, conifers, yew, maple, and willow.
  • Herbs – including bay, lavender, rosemary, sage, and thyme.

How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (5)

(Image credit: Leigh Clapp)

Can you take cuttings from any plant?

While it is not possible to take cuttings from every type of plant, it is certainly a successful method for a large number of them.

Research the best method of propagation for your chosen plant, and if unsure, it’s worth having a go to see if the cuttings will take.

Though delicate, softwood cuttings offer the best chance of success for more difficult-to-propagate plants.

Can you put cuttings straight into soil?

You can put cuttings straight into soil as long as you have prepared them correctly. ‘Cut under a node at the bottom and above a node at the top,’ says Chick-Seward.

You must also remove the lower leaves, leaving only two or three at the top.

Bear in mind the soil needs to be well draining, so if your garden soil is heavy clay, for example, then you need to create a good potting mix. ‘Fill small pots with compost mixed with about one part grit to two parts compost,’ says Raven.

How to grow a plant from a cutting in water

It is possible to grow some plants from cuttings that are simply placed in water. This method works best for common herbs, as well as some vegetables such as pak choi and celery, which will regrow from scraps. However, it is also a suitable method for some house plants, such as pothos, English ivy, philodendron, and even begonias.

Simply place the base of the cutting, or root section if growing a vegetable, into a bowl of water. Within a few days, the cutting should have grown roots. Make sure you change the water regularly, so that it does not stagnate.

Once you can see signs of growth, plant the cutting into well-draining potting mix.

How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants (2024)


How to take plant cuttings – grow more of your favorite plants? ›

The most important part of knowing how to take plant cuttings, is choosing the best possible growth. Always select healthy, straight growth – it should be a non-flowering stem, so check there are no buds present. With softwood and semi-ripe cuttings, examine the plant for the most vigorous growth.

How do I grow more plants from cuttings? ›

In a pot of damp, but drained, rooting mix, make a hole for the cutting using a pencil. Put the cutting in the hole and firm the rooting mix around it. If any leaves are touching the surface of the mix, trim them back. Several cuttings can be placed in the same pot as long as their leaves do not touch.

How do you take cuttings successfully? ›

When taking a cutting, choose a strong side shoot with no flowers and cut a piece between 5-10cm (2-4in) long, cutting just below a leaf joint. Remove all leaves from the lower half of the cutting and pinch off the growing tip. Dip the bottom end of the cutting in hormone rooting powder if you have some.

What can I put in water to stimulate root growth? ›

Add a Pothos! I'd heard of using willow as a natural rooting hormone (no idea where to source that however), but didn't know Pothos has this 'super power' too! Just pop a Pothos cutting in with the water with your slow-to-grow cuttings and it helps speed up root development.

What helps cuttings root faster? ›

Success factors for rooting your cuttings

They'll root faster with plenty of sunlight, but avoid setting them in direct sun. Temperature is also important, the warmer the better to speed things up. For cuttings that are more valuable or difficult, adding a little aquarium pump to oxygenate the water will help a lot.

How do you make cuttings bushier? ›

To make plant bushier, shorten stems and prune back to a side branch or bud. Hint: Place cutting blade closest to the part of the plant you want to keep and the thick bypass part on the side you are cutting off. After the tall shoots have been cut back the plant is ready to begin new growth.

Can you put cuttings straight into soil? ›

Can you put cuttings straight into soil? You can put a cutting into a fresh pot of soil or try rooting them in water, but it's often best to put the cutting straight into soil.

Where is the best place to put cuttings? ›

Put in a light, warm position such as a well-lit windowsill, but not in direct sunlight. Keep moist but not sodden. Once a cutting has put on some new growth, which can be in as little as 2–3 weeks, lift it gently out and plant in its own pot.

How long do cuttings take to grow? ›

Rooting will generally occur in 3-4 weeks but some plants will take longer. When the roots are 1-2 inches long or longer the cutting is ready to be potted up. This plant has heavy rooting and is ready to be moved to a pot with potting soil.

What liquid makes plants grow faster? ›

After weeks of giving each plant different liquids(water, carbonated water, mango juice and pineapple soda), the conclusion is carbonated water grows plants the fastest and the healthiest.

Does vinegar help rooting? ›

To use your homemade rooting hormone, dip the bottom of the cutting in the solution before “sticking” the cutting in rooting medium. Using apple cider vinegar as rooting hormone is a great way to give your cuttings that extra jump they need to grow roots.

Does sugar water help rooting? ›

In many cases, sugar application increased the number of new roots formed by week 6 but had no significant effects on the length of existing roots or shoot growth. By week 24, increases in both root and shoot growth were recorded.

What is the best mixture for cuttings? ›

The growing medium – Generally a good cutting propagation mix for cuttings has higher aeration than normal and this can be provided by mixing a general purpose potting mix 50/50 with a coarse material such as perlite or coarse washed river sand or even polystyrene foam beads.

How do you grow cuttings fast? ›

Warm growing medium temperatures accelerate cell division which leads to faster callusing, root initial development and subsequent root growth. It also speeds up the dry-down rate of the growing medium, which also helps encourage better rooting. The best way to warm the growing medium is through bottom heat.

Is it better to root cuttings in water or soil? ›

Many plants will root from just a section of a plant. Some plants will root in water, but cuttings will develop a better root system when rooted in a soil-less potting mix. Sand or perlite can also be used, especially for cuttings that need good drainage and may rot if kept too wet.

How do you increase plant rooting? ›

Phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) are the two main nutrients that stimulate root growth. Organic fertilisers often display the relative quantities of each, as well as nitrogen (N), in the form of the NPK ratio. In particular, phosphorus allows new root systems to spread through the soil or another growing medium.

How do you multiply plant stem cuttings? ›

Cut each piece right above a node — the swollen, joint-like area where leaves attach. Remove all the leaves on each piece, except for one leaf or set of leaves at the top. Wrap the cuttings in damp paper towels to keep them moist, if necessary. Softwood tissue is very tender, so don't let it dry out.

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