Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (2024)

When you peel off a layer of turf grass, the soil beneath is often compacted, depleted of nutrients and life, and polluted with salts and other chemicals. These chemicals may have accumulated from ongoing applications of fertilizers and pesticides. Or possibly, poor irrigation practices – short, frequent watering periods – that leave behind salts found in our water, especially here in Southern California. Healthy soil, in contrast, is full of life – microbial organisms, insects, and other animals. This blog post is about how one can one change a boring, green desert called lawn into a vivacious, biodiverse Southern California ecosystem supported by dynamic, living soil.

Wildflowers for a healthy garden

Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (2)

Many gardeners view bare dirt as an artist’s canvas. If it is compacted and depleted, they may till or turn it, amend it, and build it. They pull or poison weeds, and then they design and color it with new plants and paths.

To me, however, gardening is a kinder, more gentle activity. Every action one takes in the garden is a form of disturbance, even destruction. In fact, I must confess, each time I take a shovel to the soil I apologize for any damage done. Insects, microorganisms, worms and more are trying to make a living below, and so I whisper, I am sorry if I am disturbing you. And this is why annual wildflowers are so important to me as a gardener.

I try to guide the land towards health by taking clues from nature. Amazing wildflower displays often occur in natural areas following violent disturbances such as fires or floods. These annuals burst into bloom reminding us that life includes loss, and loss is often followed by the greatest gifts. Wildflower seeds may have lain dormant for years, awaiting a catastrophic event, and then it is their turn to shine. The lost trees and shrubs will return in time, but the nearly instantaneous growth of wildflowers prepares the soil for them.

Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (3)

A newly turf-liberated area can burst into exuberant bloom, similar to naturally disturbed lands. Unlike natural land, the newly exposed garden soil has few seeds, and probably those are mostly noxious weeds. As a gentle gardener, I provide the seeds that should have been there. I wish that I had a supply of seeds from the wildflowers that graced our land before Europeans burst on the scene, but I have to make do with what I can get.

I have found that my garden responds in a manner similar to what I observe in nature. The best wildflower displays occur during the second and third years after I free the garden from the lawn. Gradually, as the perennial shrubs and trees become established insects, lizards and birds take up residence in the garden, and the wildflowers take a back seat. Still, wildflowers put on an amazing display each spring, and I look forward to wonderful colors both at home and in the wild.

Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (4)

Plan and acquire seed

The first step to a beautiful wildflower display is planning. Decide which wildflowers you want and whether you want them mixed, in drifts, or in small patches. After the first year, the wildflowers themselves will help you decide who and where they will be.

Be sure to purchase seeds from reputable growers (eg. Theodore Payne Foundation, S&S Seeds, Larner Seeds, Seed Hunt) who specialize in California natives. If possible, use locally-native wildflower seeds, but note that it is illegal and unethical to harvest seeds from public lands without a permit. Wildflowers have been in decline for many years, leave the seeds in place.

Seed mixes from trust-worthy sources include native annuals that are adapted to similar conditions, such as dry shade, coast, or mountain mix. In addition, they are free of seeds from nonnative, invasive species.

As a rough guideline, one ounce of seed will cover approximately 140 square feet (14’ x 10’), though this depends on seed size, percentage of viable seed, and how much chaff is in the mix. In fact, I have found seed coverage numbers on the web that vary from one ounce of seed per 100 square feet to 1,000 square feet! Nonetheless, S&S Seed, and Tree of Life Nursery give an estimate of one ounce for 136 square feet. If you use too much seed, you will both waste money, and are likely to have a less showy display. The crowded seedlings will compete for nutrients and sun and may not develop into large, showy adults.


Weeds can be a major impediment to a successful wildflower garden, therefore it is important to remove as many as possible before seeding. If you have peeled back the lawn, then you have gotten rid of many weeds, however, weed seed and pieces of weedy grass that can grow new roots and leaves are likely to be present below the surface. Since it is easier to remove weeds from an empty bed than to try to work around wildflower seedlings, you may want to water newly exposed garden beds to encourage weed growth and removal before you sow the seeds.

Once you are ready to sow the seeds, lightly rough up the surface with a rake. Do not cultivate the soil deeply. This is unnecessary and counterproductive as it creates more soil disturbance and brings up additional weed seeds. If the soil is covered with leaves or mulch, clear the surface, sprinkle the seeds and replace a light layer of mulch, no more than about two to three inches. Avoid coarse wood chip mulch that will bury the seeds. A thin layer of medium-sized pebbles or sand can also provide a good surface for seeds to germinate on. Roughing the surface and lightly covering it with mulch provides nooks and crannies for better contact between the seed and soil, and it keeps the seeds from drying out.


It is best to sow seeds before or during the rainy season, from late fall to early spring. If rain is predicted, get out there and sow your seeds! A gentle, long rain will give your seeds the best chance of germinating. Continue sowing over a period of weeks to extend the wildflower season. In milder regions, and with certain plants, like the California Poppy, it is okay to continue seeding into spring.

It is easy to disburse large, coarse seeds, like Poppies. It is more difficult to distribute fine seeds like Lacy Phacelia. In this case, mix the seeds with sand or saw dust before broadcasting. Or, try using a kitchen spice or powdered sugar shaker. Another technique suggested by a colleague of mine is to toss the seeds gently into the air with one hand and bat at them with the other. This technique is fast, effective, and fun!

Seed-soil contact

As mentioned above, it is important for the seeds to have good contact with the soil. If they are lying lightly on top of the soil they will dry out, blow away, or be eaten by birds. After sowing, rake the surface very gently. A light layer of mulch, either fine, weed-free organics (not coarse woodchips) or gravel can keep seeds from drying out and give them a better chance of making it. Some websites suggest walking on the surface to make sure that seeds are firmly in contact with the soil.


Water with a fine spray to moisten soil and seed, and improve seed-soil contact. If rain is not in the forecast, water gently to keep bed moist as seeds germinate and begin to grow. For many native wildflowers you can taper off supplemental water when annuals are a few inches tall during winters with average rainfall. Provide supplemental water in spring to extend bloom period.


Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (5)

It is essential to stay on top of weeds or they will quickly overwhelm the new wildflowers. When you start the garden, sow some wildflower seeds in pots to help with seedling identification. If weeds or insects are decimating the seedlings, seeds grown in pots or flats can be transplanted once they are large enough to make it in the cruel world (about four inches), though this can be a tedious process. Check Sowing Wildflowers for more pictures of seedlings of both wildflowers and weeds found in Southern California. If you sowed the seeds too thickly, you may want to thin the seedlings by hand.

Additional tips

  • Remove wildflowers (and weeds) that are crowding new perennial plantings. Show no mercy.
  • Cut flowers for bouquets, and deadhead – remove spent flowers – to extend the bloom period. Remember to leave some seeds for the birds and for next season.
  • Collect seed in late spring to summer for next year’s garden but, again, leave some for the birds. Store seeds in a cool, dry location.
  • Most residential gardens will look better if spent annuals are removed at the end of the season, although it is best not to rush this from a habitat standpoint. Balance between keeping your neighbors happy, yet providing for the birds.
  • If you want wildflowers to reseed during the following spring, do not water during summer since the seeds will decompose in hot, wet soil.

As with all of your gardening, remember to enjoy the wildflower season. If you are a lazy gardener or one who is especially busy in late spring and summer, a large wildflower display may not be the best idea. You can grow wildflowers in containers and then hide them behind the garage once they no longer please. Or travel to California’s spectacular wildflower areas and enjoy color as only Nature can paint it.

Web resources

If you like this blog post, check out my book, Wild Suburbia – Learning to Garden with Native Plants.

Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (6)

Wildflower Garden Throughout the Year

(Click on thumbnail for full picture and slideshow)

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Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (8)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (9)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (10)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (11)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (12)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (13)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (14)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (15)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (16)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (17)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (18)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (19)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (20)
Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (21)


Lawn out. Wildflowers in. - Weeding Wild Suburbia (2024)


Will wildflowers overtake weeds? ›

If your wildflowers germinate well and grow thickly, they should choke out most weeds.

Can I replace my lawn with wildflowers? ›

Planting your favorite wildflower seeds to replace your lawn will definitely bring smiles to everyone who visits! Celebrate biodiversity and fall in love with your land by planting a wildflower lawn!

Can I just throw wildflower seeds in my yard? ›

If there is no vegetation in the space where you plan on growing wildflowers, your chances of success may be a bit better if you simply toss the seeds onto the ground. However, if you really want to ensure their success, preparing the soil is highly recommended!

How to replace weeds with wildflowers? ›

Rake the soil and wait three weeks for weeds to grow back. Then, attack them with a non-selective spray herbicide that has a short residual period. This will quickly kill weeds without sticking around to harm your fresh seeds. Remove the dead weeds before planting your fresh seeds.

What are the disadvantages of a wildflower meadow? ›

Maintaining a healthy balance between desired wildflowers and invasive weed species can be challenging. Weeds can infiltrate the meadow and compete with wildflowers for resources. Regular maintenance, including weed removal and occasional mowing, is necessary to manage unwanted plant species.

Do wildflowers outcompete grass? ›

Grasses and weeds are vigorous growers that can out-compete wildflower seedlings, so removing them gives your wildflowers the best chance to thrive.

Will wildflowers grow back if you mow them? ›

If you mow in fall, be sure the plants have finished blooming and have gone to seed. This will ensure your wildflower plants reseed themselves for the next season. (Mow earlier, right after the plant blooms, if you don't want the plants to reseed).

Can you overseed grass with wildflowers? ›

Land managers and land owners can bring wildflowers back to low diversity, established grass stands through a process known as interseeding (also referred to as overseeding).

Do I need to mow my wildflower meadow? ›

Wildflowers only need mowing once per year, at the most. There is not one perfect time to mow your wildflower meadow - you can determine a mowing schedule that works for you. Read on to learn the pros and cons of mowing, spring vs fall mowing, and how to mow (if you mow).

What is the best mower for wildflower meadow? ›

Larger areas are best tackled with a ride-on mower or heavy-duty mower (such as a sickle-bar mower or motor scythe) or a two-wheeled strimmer.

Can you spread wildflower seeds without tilling? ›

Cover crop residue must decompose before seeding wildflowers, however, so fall planting is not feasible. Rake off debris and smooth the soil surface before seeding the following spring, but tilling is not recommended as it will bring up more weed seeds.

Will wildflowers come back every year? ›

Perennial wildflowers return year after year, blooming in the second season and for many years to come. They grow more slowly, and in the first season focus the most energy on establishing strong roots, so they typically don't bloom until their second year.

Do I need to remove grass before planting wildflower seeds? ›

Removing existing growth, including grass and weeds, is a critical step before planting wildflowers for the best results in your meadow!

How many years do wildflower seeds last? ›

The answer varies depending on the type of seed and the storage conditions. Some wildflower seeds can last up to five years, while others may only last for one or two. The key to preserving their viability is proper storage. Seeds should be kept in a cool, dry place and protected from moisture and sunlight.

Can flowers choke out weeds? ›

Some types of ground covers or creeping perennials can do an amazing job at outcompeting and crowding out weeds. But they're not the only plants that can serve that purpose. Mounding or clumping perennials can get larger and will create more of a focal point in your landscape.

Will wildflowers spread on their own? ›

The joy of these plants is that they will reseed and self-perpetuate. I'm sure Lady Bird Johnson is somewhere out there smiling at you! They will perpetuate in their own good time and way, however.

Do weeds compete with flowers? ›

The bad news for other plants in your yard is that weeds compete for nutrients in the soil and sunlight, leading to stunted growth for your vegetables, flowers, and lawn.

Does planting flowers prevent weeds? ›

A thick mass planting of plants can control weeds by keeping direct sunlight off the soil, which often causes weed seeds to germinate and can compete with the weeds for water and nutrients. Mass planting of flowering plants can also shade the soil, so less water and moisture is lost from evaporation.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.