Nakano Quintuplets (2024)

Nakano Quintuplets (1)This article contains spoilers from the manga that has not been shown in the anime. Please continue reading at your own risks.

The Nakano Quintuplets (なかいつ, Nakano-ke no Itsutsugo?) are the main female protagonists and the titular characters of the 5-toubun no Hanayome series. They are the five identical sisters that are from the Nakano Family, with one of them being The Bride and the wife of Fuutarou Uesugi.


  • 1 Overview
    • 1.1 History
    • 1.2 Residence
    • 1.3 Quintuplets Unique Creations
    • 1.4 Members
    • 1.5 Preferences
  • 2 Appearance
    • 2.1 Differentiation
  • 3 Personality
  • 4 Ability
  • 5 Relationships
  • 6 Records
  • 7 Gallery
  • 9 Trivia
  • 10 References



Rena Nakano, their mother, passed away 5 years prior to the beginning of the main story [6] and Maruo Nakano (the Quintuplets' stepfather) lives in a different residence. They were students of Kurobara High School before transferring to Asahiyama High School.[7]


The Nakano Quintuplets lived on the 30th floor of a luxurious apartment,[8][9] purchased by their father Maruo Nakano. They live together with no one else in their apartments.[10] Each of the sister has their own room, which line up in order starting from Ichika's innermost to Itsuki's outermost room.

The Quintuplets later move to a small apartment on the second floor of their own will.[11] Volume 8 Bonus chapter implies that Fuutarou owns a key to the sisters' new apartment and at least to one bedroom. However, they moved back when their new apartment is set for demolition.

Quintuplets Unique Creations

The Nakano Quintuplets have their own unique hand gesture[12], create their own "Quintuplets Finger Game"[13] and "Quintuplets Puzzle Game"[14], often do "Quintuplets Jokes"[15], and tease Fuutarou with a "Quintuplets Guessing Game"[16]. See Quintuplets Game tab for more detailed info.


Each of the girls' name references a number, indicating the order of their birth. Negi Haruba also associates them with a specific color (as shown in their accessories, outfits, and volume covers).

SisterOrder & Associated NumberColorColored accessoriesAddress Fuutarou Uesugi as
Ichika Nakano1st (Ichi (一?))YellowJacketFuutarou-kun[17]
Nino Nakano2nd (Ni (二?))PurpleRibbonThis Guy / That Guy / You / Uesugi[18] / Fuutarou [19][20] / Fuu-kun[21][22]
Miku Nakano3rd (Mi (三?), alternate reading)BlueJacketFuutarou[23] / Fuu-kun[24]
Yotsuba Nakano4th (Yotsu (四?), alternate reading)GreenRibbonUesugi-san[25][26], Fuutarou-kun[27]
Itsuki Nakano5th (Itsu (五?), alternate reading)RedJacketUesugi-kun[28]


As shown in Character Introduction Page, the quintuplets have different preferences, as listed below.

SisterFavorite foodDisliked foodDrinkSnackMorning RoutineTV ShowsFavorite Animal
IchikaShiokaraShiitakesFrappuccinoShaved iceJoggingDramasHippopotamus
NinoPancakesPickled thingsRoom temperature waterCandy apple
  • Make-up
  • yoga
Variety showsRabbit
MikuMatchaChocolateGreen teaDoll cakesChecking her fortuneDocumentariesHedgehog
YotsubaMandarinsGreen peppersCarbonated juiceChoco bananaWatering plants around the houseAnimeCamel
  • Sit-ups
  • Yoga
Talk showsKangaroo


The Nakano Quintuplets have an average height, pinkish red/light red hair color, large and dark-blue eyes,[29]. Their three sizes are B88-W50-H159. Maruo Nakano confirms that the Nakano Quintuplets are "identical quintuplets"[30] and Miku Nakano states that their physical measurements are the same [31] and Ichika Nakano also confirms that she and Yotsuba Nakano have the same figure.[32]

In the past, the Nakano Quintuplets had identical looks to each other.[33] All five of them have matching long straight hair and dress lightly with matching outfits.[34]

Several years into the future, the young adult Nakano Quintuplets are shown to be taller and have different hairstyles and accessories.[35]

The Nakano Quintuplets are noted to have beautiful looks, in which Shimoda makes a comments that Itsuki Nakano must be a popular girl [36] where Itsuki herself labels the Nakano Quintuplets as vivacious girls [37] and Ichika also boasts that the sisters are gorgeous [38] that their classmates praise them as a cutie/beauty[39][40] and even a random stall owner is impressed by their looks.[41] These features may be derived from Rena Nakano who was acknowledged as an incredibly beautiful woman.[42]


While they are physically the same, each sister have different hairstyles/hair length and accessories.[43] For artistic purpose and better differentiation, the sisters are rendered with various shades of red hair color in the manga and anime adaptation (In-universe, their hair color is the same).

SisterHairstyleRendered ColorAccessories
IchikaBob-cutLight pinkAn earring on the right ear
NinoShoulder length short (formerly very long)MagnetaA pair of butterfly-shaped ribbons
MikuLong staightBrownA blue wireless earphone
YotsubaChin length shortLight orangeA green bunny ribbon
ItsukiLong wavy with ahogeRedA pair of five-pointed stars hairpins on each side of the head

Itsuki, Nino and Ichika wear a handbag, Yotsuba wears a sports bag and Miku wears a ranzel.[44][45] The sisters usually spends more than twenty thousand yen for their clothes.[46] Yotsuba is shown to wear an animal-themed pajamas [47] while Ichika is shown wearing night gown.[48] All of the Nakano Quintuplets have the same phone model.


The Nakano Quintuplets follow the "Gotoubun Principles", a philosophy taught by Rena Nakano (the Quintuplets's mother).[49]They consider themselves to be five parts of one whole and have to share any kind of emotion together, such as anger, joy and love.[50] Their belief of this philosophy is shown several times throughout the series, such as going to the fireworks festival together,[51] wait for the others before celebrating something,[52] and even chose to switch schools to stay together.[53] The sisters are even willing to give up their luxurious lifestyle and high-class apartment for Fuutarou Uesugi, believing that they will be fine with anything "as long as the five of them are together".[54]

In the past, the Nakano Quintuplets have very similar behavior.[55] However, due to their mother's death, they started to change.[56] Nino Nakano commented that the changes made the sisters grew apart from one another.[57]

Each Nakano Quintuplets has their own characteristics in dealing with the exams and sheets of paper:[63]

  • Ichika's sheet is crinkled due to her messiness and writes in cursive.
  • Nino would neatly place her sheet in a file.
  • Miku's Japanese spelling is good.
  • Yotsuba's Kanji is bad.
  • Itsuki would use an eraser to get rid of mistakes.

Each of the sisters have different traits and personality, some are similar and some are contradictory.

  • Ichika is mature[64], helpful and playful.[65]
  • Nino is aggressive[66], rude and protective.[67]
  • Miku is silent, very outspoken and reserved.
  • Yotsuba is cheerful, confident and outgoing.
  • Itsuki is serious, wise and earnest[68].

The Nakano Quintuplets' similarities occur in many aspects, for example, they all dislike studying [69] and often make a mess during their sleep.[70][71] Nino and Itsuki are afraid of needles.[72][73] They can also be referred to as tsunderes. Both Nino and Itsuki do yoga in the morning.[74] Another similar trait would be Nino and Yotsuba both having an outgoing personality and therefore making a lot of friends.[75] All five of them occasionally express their frustrations by pouting, or puffing their cheeks.

The Nakano Quintuplets' differences in personality are reflected clearly in Nino and Miku. They often fight with each other,[76][77] and are seen as rivals throughout the story.[78] Nino is boisterous and abrasive, while Miku is quiet and soft-spoken. Their speech patterns also have differences; where Nino and Itsuki speak in a more posh and formal manner respectively.

Another extreme example can be taken from Miku and Yotsuba. Miku is a rather reserved and introverted, while Yotsuba has extroverted personality. Miku is the smartest out of the quintuplets,[79] while the latter is the least intelligent.[80] However, the former is also the least athletic[81] while the latter's athleticism is the highest.[82]

Ichika is a lazy doing household chores,[83] while Nino is hardworking when it comes to minding the house and cooking for her sisters.[84] When it comes to love confessions, Ichika uses an indirect means to confess[85] while Nino prefers going at it directly and clearly.[86] Miku indirectly note that these various traits and personalities are what makes the quintuplets complete.


Ichika Nakano labels the Nakano Quintuplets as "idiots."[87] Their academic abilities are very low, and they almost fail their First Year of high school.[88] They also generally have low capability of learning.[89] Each one of the sisters has different subjects they excel, but even the grades of those subjects are still mediocre.[90] Despite being slow learners and having various personal setbacks, they managed to pass the Second Year Final Exams, an improvement from last year's.[91]

Miku Nakano states that whatever feat she can achieve, the other four must be able to do it, too, since they're Quintuplets.[92][93] Because of this, Fuutarou Uesugi believes that the Nakano Quintuplets have the potential to get higher academic scores.[94][95] Miku's statement implies that the sisters have the same potential, and despite their current abilities, they can be as good as the others (for example Miku can be as good as Nino Nakano in cooking or become as athletic as Yotsuba Nakano) if they're willing to train. This is later proven when Miku is able to produce a good bread after weeks of training.[96]

Nino states that as quintuplets, they aren't capable of telepathy.[97] However, they are shown to have a similar train of thought in several occasions.[98][99]

The sisters each has different specialties, such as acting, cooking, and playing sports. Their strengths, like their personalities, are sometimes in contrast or actually complement one another. For example, Yotsuba's athletic skills contradict Miku's physical capabilities, or Itsuki Nakano becomes good at reviewing food because Nino is a good cook. One thematic skill the sisters excel is their ability to impersonate one another. In Chapter 74, Ichika states that each sister has the other sisters' accessories for quick disguise.

SisterStrongest SubjectKnown SpecialtiesMisc.
IchikaMathActing[100]Bad at cleaning.
MikuSocial StudiesBetter acting skills than Ichika.[102] Bad cook.[103]
YotsubaJapaneseAthletic[104]Good at cleaning.
ItsukiScienceA very popular food reviewer.[105]

Nakano Quintuplets School Exam Report Card



> Related Article: Nakano Quintuplets Relationships


  • Ichika

  • Nino

  • Miku

  • Yotsuba

  • Itsuki

Ichika and 1

  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets whose goal/dream are shown/stated, which is to become an actress in Chapter 11.[106]
  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets whose hand is held properly by Fuutarou Uesugi.[107]
  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets to "kabedon" Fuutarou.[108]
  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be hugged by Fuutarou.[109]
  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets to get Fuutarou's contact (his email address).[110]
  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets to get a proper headpat by Fuutarou (technically, Miku Nakano is the first to get a headpat).[111]
  • Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be seen crying in front of Fuutarou. [112]
  • Since the bell scene, Ichika is the first Nakano Quintuplets to trigger Fuutarou's awareness towards lips (befitting her name).[113]


  • Ichika is the second Nakano Quintuplets to be seen half-naked by Fuutarou.[114]
  • Ichika is the fifth Nakano Quintuplets to directly or indirectly confess to Fuutarou.[115]

Nino and 2

  • Nino is the second Nakano Quintuplets whose goal/dream is shown/stated, which is to open a restaurant. [116]
  • Nino (technically) fell in love twice with the same person (Kintarou persona and Fuutarou Uesugi persona).[117][118]
  • Nino is the second Nakano Quintuplets to see Fuutarou half-naked[119]
  • Nino is the second Nakano Quintuplets to give Fuutarou either a direct or indirect kiss (discounting Rena).[120]
  • Since the bell scene, Nino is the second Nakano Quintuplets to trigger Fuutarou's awareness towards lips (befitting her name).[121]
  • Nino is the second Nakano Quintuplets to be seen crying in front of Fuutarou.[122]
  • Nino is the only Nakano Quintuplets so far to confess to Fuutarou twice, albeit the first one wasn't heard by him.[123][124]


  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be pushed down (although accidentally) by Fuutarou.[125]
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be seen half-naked by Fuutarou.[126]
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to get her picture taken alongside Fuutarou alone. [127]
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets whose ear is touched by Fuutarou.[128]
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to slap Fuutarou.[129]
  • Nino is the first character to purposely show a middle finger in the series.[130]
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to change the way she addresses Fuutarou (and also having the highest amount of nickname variations): you, that guy, Fuutarou, and in this chapter, Fuu-kun.
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to ride a bike with Fuutarou.[131]
  • Nino is the first Nakano Quintuplets to confess directly and seriously to Fuutarou.[132]
  • Miku is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be "recognized" by Fuutarou Uesugi.[133]
  • Miku is the first Nakano Quintuplets to sleep in the same bed as Fuutarou.[134]
  • Miku is the second Nakano Quintuplets to directly or indirectly confess to Fuutarou (but Fuutarou thought it was a part of playing house).[135]
  • Miku is the second Nakano Quintuplets to hug Fuutarou.[136]
  • Yotsuba is the first Nakano Quintuplets to see Fuutarou Uesugi half-naked.[137]
  • Yotsuba is the first Nakano Quintuplets to directly or indirectly confess to Fuutarou (but she played it off as a joke).[138]
  • Yotsuba is the third Nakano Quintuplets to be seen crying in front of Fuutarou.[139]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be introduced.[140]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets to get a "Kabedon" from Fuutarou Uesugi.[141]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets to mention the "First Come, First Served" rule.[142]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets to be seen crying. She was implied to cry at the Fireworks Festival Arc.[143]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets Fuutarou leans on.[144]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets to hold Fuutarou's hand at the start of the School Trip's bonfire.[145]
  • Itsuki is the first Nakano Quintuplets who give Fuutarou his birthday gift.[146]
  • Itsuki is the second Nakano Quintuplets to get her picture taken alongside Fuutarou. However, she is the first Nakano Quintuplets to take a picture with Fuutarou properly.[147]
  • Itsuki is the third Nakano Quintuplets to directly or indirectly confess to Fuutarou (but she didn't know the meaning).[148]
  • Itsuki is the third Nakano Quintuplets whose goal/dream is shown/stated, which is to become a teacher.[149]
  • Gallery

    Nakano Quintuplets (2)

    Nakano Quintuplets (3)

    Nakano Quintuplets (4)

    Nakano Quintuplets (5)

    Nakano Quintuplets (6)

    Nakano Quintuplets (7)

    Nakano Quintuplets (8)

    Nakano Quintuplets (9)

    Nakano Quintuplets (10)

    Nakano Quintuplets (11)

    Nakano Quintuplets (12)

    Nakano Quintuplets (13)

    Nakano Quintuplets (14)

    Nakano Quintuplets (15)

    Nakano Quintuplets (16)

    Nakano Quintuplets (17)

    Nakano Quintuplets (18)

    Nakano Quintuplets (19)

    Nakano Quintuplets (20)

    Nakano Quintuplets (21)

    Nakano Quintuplets (22)


    • "If one of you makes a mistake, then overcome it together. If one of you is happy, share it with the others. Joy, sorrow, anger, love... are shared among the five of us... in five equal parts!" - Rena Nakano.[150]
    • "If I can do something, of course the other four can too" - Miku Nakano.[151]
    • "Fireworks are one of the memories we have with our mom." - Miku Nakano.[152]
    • "We will all pass, and make Dad acknowledge Fuutaro" - Nakano Quintuplets [153]


    • The surname Nakano means "middle" (中) (naka) and "field, wilderness" (野) (no).
    • The scene where a Nakano Quintuplet accidentally injures her arm by slapping it into a hard surface is a pattern shown several times in the series.


    1. ^ Manga Extra Bonus Comic
    2. ^ Negi Haruba's tweet and Quintuplets' birthday hashtag
    3. ^ Manga Chapter 64 (p. 1).
    4. ^ [@5Hanayome] (Feb 8, 2018). “「教えて!五月せんせー!」 その1『標準体重』” (Tweet in Japanese) – via Twitter.
    5. ^ Manga Chapter 64 (p. 1).
    6. ^ Manga Chapter 57.
    7. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 17).
    8. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 41).
    9. ^ Manga Chapter 17 (p. 12).
    10. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 7).
    11. ^ Manga Chapter 50 (p. 7).
    12. ^ Manga Chapter 12 (p. 9).
    13. ^ Manga Chapter 24 (p. 1).
    14. ^ Manga Chapter 51 (p. 17).
    15. ^ Manga Chapter 47 (p. 10).
    16. ^ Manga Chapter 63 (p. 20).
    17. ^ Manga Chapter 30 (p. 1).
    18. ^ Anime Opening Lyrics (Gotoubun no Kimochi)
    19. ^ Manga Chapter 5 (p. 20).
    20. ^ Manga Chapter 62 (p. 4).
    21. ^ Manga Chapter 71 (p. 17).
    22. ^ Manga Chapter 88 (p. 13).
    23. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 15).
    24. ^ Manga Chapter 62 (p. 4).
    25. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 14).
    26. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 25).
    27. ^ Manga Chapter 88 (p. 5).
    28. ^ Manga Chapter 29 (p. 8).
    29. ^ Manga Volume 6 Extra Bonus Comics.
    30. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 3).
    31. ^ Manga Chapter 24 (p. 4).
    32. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 14).
    33. ^ Manga Chapter 41 (p. 3).
    34. ^ Manga Chapter 14 (p. 18-19).
    35. ^ Manga Chapter 75.
    36. ^ Manga Chapter 57 (p. 12).
    37. ^ Manga Chapter 6 (p. 2).
    38. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 25).
    39. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 21).
    40. ^ Manga Chapter 25 (p. 2).
    41. ^ Manga Chapter 8 (p. 11).
    42. ^ Manga Chapter 57 (p. 11).
    43. ^ Manga Chapter 24 (p. 24).
    44. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 45).
    45. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 46).
    46. ^ Manga Chapter 23 (p. 2).
    47. ^ Manga Chapter 14 (p. 5).
    48. ^ Manga Volume 8 Extra Bonus Comics.
    49. ^ Manga Chapter 12 (p. 9).
    50. ^ Manga Chapter 12 (p. 10).
    51. ^ Manga Chapter 7 (p. 21).
    52. ^ Manga Chapter 59 (p. 7).
    53. ^ Manga Chapter 56 (p. 12).
    54. ^ Manga Chapter 50 (p. 9).
    55. ^ Manga Chapter 41 (p. 3).
    56. ^ Manga Chapter 66 (p. 9).
    57. ^ Manga Chapter 43 (p. 17).
    58. ^ Manga Chapter 66 (p. 9).
    59. ^ Manga Chapter 43 (p. 18).
    60. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 16).
    61. ^ Manga Chapter 78 (p. 12).
    62. ^ Manga Chapter 57 (p. 6).
    63. ^ Manga Chapter 35 (p. 10).
    64. ^ Manga Chapter 27 (p. 12).
    65. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 13).
    66. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 35).
    67. ^ Manga Chapter 8 (p. 8).
    68. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 22).
    69. ^ Manga Quints Memo on the Character Introduction Page.
    70. ^ Manga Chapter 24 (p. 16).
    71. ^ Manga Volume 8 Extra Bonus Chapter]].
    72. ^ Manga Chapter 33 (p. 16).
    73. ^ Manga Chapter 34 (p. 20).
    74. ^ Manga Volume 8 Character Introduction Page
    75. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 9).
    76. ^ Manga Chapter 5 (p. 9).
    77. ^ Manga Chapter 6 (p. 5).
    78. ^ Manga Chapter 69 (p. 10).
    79. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 2).
    80. ^ Manga Chapter 56 (p. 11).
    81. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 11).
    82. ^ Manga Volume 6 Extra Bonus Comic.
    83. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 10).
    84. ^ Manga Volume 3 Extra Bonus Comic
    85. ^ Manga Chapter 74 (p. 18-19).
    86. ^ Manga Chapter 60 (p. 16-17).
    87. ^ Manga Chapter 3 (p. 11).
    88. ^ Manga Chapter 2 (p. 42).
    89. ^ Manga Chapter 29 (p. 6).
    90. ^ Manga Chapter 20 (p. 7).
    91. ^ Manga Chapter 76 (p. 16).
    92. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 16).
    93. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 17).
    94. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 22).
    95. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 23).
    96. ^ Manga Chapter 77 (p. 17).
    97. ^ Manga Chapter 70 (p. 3).
    98. ^ Manga Chapter 31 (p. 16-17).
    99. ^ Manga Chapter 51 (p. 12).
    100. ^ Manga Chapter 12 (p. 2).
    101. ^ Manga Chapter 21 (p. 8).
    102. ^ Manga Chapter 27 (p. 11).
    103. ^ Manga Chapter 21 (p. 1).
    104. ^ Manga Chapter 13 (p. 17).
    105. ^ Manga Chapter 71 (p. 7).
    106. ^ Manga Chapter 11 (p. 14).
    107. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 24).
    108. ^ Manga Chapter 9 (p. 20).
    109. ^ Manga Chapter 10 (p. 6).
    110. ^ Manga Chapter 13 (p. 4).
    111. ^ Manga Chapter 17 (p. 16).
    112. ^ Manga Chapter 27 (p. 16).
    113. ^ Manga Chapter 69 (p. 17).
    114. ^ Manga Chapter 35 (p. 4).
    115. ^ Manga Chapter 74 (pp. 17-18).
    116. ^ Manga Chapter 52 (p. 14).
    117. ^ Manga Chapter 26 (pp. 16-17).
    118. ^ Manga Chapter 59 (pp. 18-19).
    119. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 28).
    120. ^ Manga Chapter 71 (p. 20).
    121. ^ Manga Chapter 71 (p. 20).
    122. ^ Manga Chapter 43 (p. 8).
    123. ^ Manga Chapter 59 (pp. 18-19).
    124. ^ Manga Chapter 60 (pp. 16-17).
    125. ^ Manga Chapter 5 (p. 22).
    126. ^ Manga Chapter 5 (p. 16).
    127. ^ Manga Chapter 5 (p. 25).
    128. ^ Manga Chapter 14 (p. 9).
    129. ^ Manga Chapter 15 (p. 9).
    130. ^ Manga Chapter 24 (p. 2).
    131. ^ Manga Chapter 59 (p. 15).
    132. ^ Manga Chapter 60 (pp. 16-17).
    133. ^ Manga Chapter 68 (pp. 14-15).
    134. ^ Manga Chapter 17 (p. 20).
    135. ^ Manga Chapter 38 (pp. 14-15).
    136. ^ Manga Chapter 68 (pp. 16-17).
    137. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 27).
    138. ^ Manga Chapter 21.
    139. ^ Manga Chapter 56 (p. 20).
    140. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 4).
    141. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 41).
    142. ^ Manga Chapter 1 (p. 7).
    143. ^ Manga Chapter 17 (p. 15).
    144. ^ Manga Chapter 30 (p. 20).
    145. ^ Manga Chapter 31 (p. 20).
    146. ^ Manga Chapter 75 (p. 15).
    147. ^ Manga Chapter 7 (p. 19).
    148. ^ Manga Chapter 41.
    149. ^ Manga Chapter 60 (p. 6).
    150. ^ Manga Chapter 12 (p. 10).
    151. ^ Manga Chapter 4 (p. 16).
    152. ^ Manga Chapter 8 (p. 12).
    153. ^ Manga Chapter 52 (p. 6).
    Nakano Quintuplets (2024)
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