The 6 Best Grass Seeds for Sandy Soil - Today's Homeowner (2024)

Sandy soil can cause issues for homeowners that are trying to plant grass. The proper type of grass needs to be chosen to develop a deep root system. In our guide featuring the best grass seeds for sandy soil, we will provide:

  • Which types of grass are the best
  • Cool season grasses and warm season grass options
  • Tips for maintaining a healthy and green lawn in sandy soil

Even though sandy soil can have challenges, the proper grass species decision will get you started on the right track

The Best Grass Seed for Sandy Soil to Get a Green Lawn

There are six types of grass most commonly known for being the best option in sandy soil. However, before you plant any of these seeds, you must check your climate as well as the sun and shade mixture to make sure the seed has the best chance of survival.

Tall Fescue Grass

Tall fescue grass is a very common and easy-to-find grass seed. Many homeowners like the tall fescue grass as it is generally considered to be low maintenance from a lawn care perspective. The temperatures do not have to be perfect for tall fescue to grow, and it can work in the shade or full sun. Tall fescue is also a smart option if you are looking for something drought-resistant.

Common grass easy to find

Relatively fast germination

Adaptable to a wide range of temperatures

Holds up well in drought conditions

Not resistant to foot traffic

Will need to reseed relatively often

Best Fescue Seeds

Zoysia Grass

Zoysia grass continues to grow in popularity because of its long growing season as well as its heat and ability to resist high traffic. Zoysia grass can handle the hottest temperature and will work in the southern parts of the United States. One thing that homeowners love about Zoysia is that it makes it verydifficult for weeds to grow. The grass is dense and thick, and you will have no issues getting it to fill in during the growing season.

Heat tolerant

Drought tolerant

Can be hard to find in seed as it is commonly sold as sod

Best Zoysia Seeds

Bahia Grass

Bahia grass is much easier to find in seed than Zoysia. It holds up well in hot climates and isvery resistant to drought. The Bahia grass has a bit of a different look to it because it has broader leaves. In addition, the texture of the grass is coarse. If you are planting in sandy soil that is also directly in the sun, expect the Bahia Grass to be a great option. Of all the grass varieties, this one will not burn out on you.

Does not produce much thatch

Can reseed itself

Few diseases and insect problems

Very light in color, not the green grass that works for all homes

Best Bahia Seeds

Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass is lawn grass that is also often used on golf courses. The great thing about Bermuda grass is that it needs very little water to survive and prosper. It’s one of the most drought-resistant types of grass that you can find. The roots of Bermuda Grass grow very deeply and will have better longevity than ashallow rootgrass seed. Bermuda grass is highly adapted to a sandy lawn, especially one in the Southern part of the United States. If you want to establish new grass that will last for years to come, Bermuda grass is a great option to consider.

Deep root system

Requires less water than other grass types

Aggressive spreader

Highly drought resistant

Can spread into flower beds

Will turn brown with too much water

Best Bermuda Seeds

Centipede Grass

Centipede grass is yet another option that does well in the heat. You won’t have to worry quite as much about this grass burning out, and it’s easier to find in a seed than something like Zoysia grass seed. Centipede grass can work in light shade or full sun, and it is a very common option in the Southwest area of the United States. The grass does hit a dormancy stage in the winter months, and it can be a bit sensitive when transitioning into the growing season. Be sure to remove weeds and thatch in order to spread centipede grass correctly.

Very heat tolerant

Will grow well in partial shade

Doesn’t need mowing quite as often

Doesn’t do well in high traffic

Takes a long time to turn green again after winter

Best Centipede Seeds


Bentgrass is another type of grass commonly found on a golf course. The Bentgrass is adaptable to being cut at various heights and will work in several soil types, but it’s best suited for those with some landscaping experience. Bentgrass will spread quickly into a beautiful lawn, but it can also take over anything else that is nearby. In addition, there are issues with weed infestation control in Bentgrass that need to be addressed to ensure that the lawn looks good all year long.

Can get dark green in color

Will grow well in direct sunlight and sandy soil conditions

Can hold up well to foot traffic

More difficult to grow

Will require attention to keep weeds away

Best Bentgrass Seeds

Penncross Bentgrass Seed: 25 lbs for $299

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Grass Seed for Sandy Soil

Now that we have given you the best seed types for sandy soil, you have to make the ultimate decision as to which to install in your yard. The correct type of seed will help to ensure that your landscaping needs are considerably more manageable through the years. However, some important factors must be considered before knowing you have the right grass.

Type of Seed

As you saw from our guide featuring the best grass seed for sandy soil, each seed has both positives and negatives. There is no such thing as a perfect grass seed. Instead, you must find something that is a mix of both strong growth and easy maintenance.

Talk to your neighbors and friends about what type of grass they are growing in their yards. If you see that someone is having success with a healthy and beautiful lawn, it can give you some direction to take.

Drought Tolerance

Sandy soil is very common in the south, where water issues can also become a problem. If you are struggling to keep your grass moist, then you must consider the drought tolerance of the grass seed you choose. It’s always important to go for drought-resistant grass types due to their low maintenance requirements.

This is why it’s important to choose a grass seed that has a deep root system. The deep roots can do a better job of preserving water from the sprinkler. This is why it makes sense to water for long periods of time and not quite as often.


Warm season grasses will only grow in the southern weather where soil temperatures are hotter. Cool season grasses grow in the north, where they are prepared for a shorter growing season and cold temperatures throughout the winter.

Trying to plant grass seed in the south that is typically a northern seed will result in weak turf, shallow roots, and a problem that won’t work well in sandy soil. In the transition zone, you may have a few more options for seed, but you must still choose based on the specific climate and soil temperatures.

Foot Traffic

Foot traffic can be an issue in sandy soil. Since the lawn mower, pets and kids can push this soil around a bit more just by walking on it. This is yet another reason that deep roots are favorable for high foot traffic areas.

Maintenance Required

It’s great to get a nice green lawn started and have it look beautiful, but you must also consider what is involved with the long-term maintenance and upkeep of the lawn. Think about weed control, mowing heights, aeration and dethatching needs, and more.

If you are concerned with long-term maintenance, check these things before putting seed down.

Sunlight vs. Shade

Most of the options on our list will grow well in the sun. This is typical for a sandy soil grass seed. Shade is where you may struggle a little, as almost all grass needs some sunlight. St.Augustine can be a good option for partial shade; this is typically sold as sod and can grow well in sandy soil.

Root System

The root system of grass seed for sandy soil must grow deep. If the root system is a more shallow grass, then it won’t last. Some grass, like Bermuda grass, can have a root system that grows more than 5 feet below the surface of the lawn. Of course, this can make Bermuda grass to be difficult to get rid of, and for most homeowners, this is looked at as a positive.

How Do you Plant Grass Seed in Sandy Soil?

When planting grass in sandy soil, it is essential to make some amendments to the soil before planting. If you are trying to plant the grass seed and the soil is very sandy, you may struggle to get it to germinate.

The first thing to do will be to mix some organic matter into the top six to ten inches of soil. This can be compost or mulch, but it gives the soil a bit more substance than just the sandy matter. In addition, you can use astarter fertilizer specific tosandy soil,typically having a bit more phosphorous.

Once you have your soil prepared, plant the seed and then cover with a bit more of this soil just to ensure the grass seed does not blow away. Then follow all appropriate directions on the seed package for watering times and upkeep.

How Long it Takes for Grass Seed to Grow in Sandy Soil

Typically, it will take about 14 days to see results when planting grass in sandy soil. The exact time that it takes for grass seed to grow will also depend on the type of seed you chose and the growing conditions. Expect to wait longer if the weather is not ideal for growing.

Can You Put Topsoil Over Sand to Grow Grass?

You can put a thin layer of topsoil over the sand to grow grass, but you must still choose a seed resistant to sandy soils. Even though the first few inches may be topsoil, below this topsoil where the grass grows is going to be sandy soil that extends well down into the earth. This is where the roots of the grass take hold, and they must be tolerant to sandy soils.

Key Takeaways

Hopefully, you now feel ready to purchase the best grass seed for sandy soil. Pay very close attention to where you live and the conditions in your area, as they will define what type of grass seed will do best. In the end, there are likely going to be several different options for your area and your soil. If you are confused by the process and worried about your soil composition, doing a soil test is a great option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kentucky bluegrass good for sandy soil?

Kentucky bluegrass is a cool season grass that typically does not grow as well in sandy soils. With the soil composition being very different throughout the United States, you will see primarily warm season grasses being the strongest in sandy soil.

Is fescue a good choice for sandy soil?

Tall fescue can be a good choice for sandy soil. It is also one of the easiest grass types to grow, making it a favorite option for many homeowners.

Can you sow grass seed on sand?

You can grow grass seed on sandy soil, but in pure sand, it can be a little difficult for grass to grow. If you want a thick and lush lawn, make sure that more organic material is built into the sand.

What grass grows best in sand and shade?

The best grass for growing in sand and shade is likely St. Augustine. It’s important to put down a top layer of excellent soil before putting St. Augustine sod down. However, once this sod establishes itself, you should not have too many problems with it taking root and growing strong for years to come.

The 6 Best Grass Seeds for Sandy Soil - Today's Homeowner (2024)


What grass seed grows best in sandy soil? ›

Grass Seeds for Sandy Soil

In most cases grasses like: tall fescue, zoysia grass, Bermuda grass, bahia grass, and centipede grass will be able to grow in sandy soil. Sandy soil, by nature, has trouble retaining water and nutrients, so any hardy grasses or ground covers that are drought tolerant make great choices.

What is the most low maintenance grass? ›

Fine fescue is the most popular low-maintenance cool-season grass. Hard fescue and fine fescue mixes require very little maintenance. You'll only have to mow your lawn once or twice a year. Fescues are hardy and they'll naturally crowd out weeds, so you don't have to worry about fertilizer, herbicide, or pesticide.

What is the best month to put down grass seed? ›

Seeding in Late Summer/Early Autumn is the best time of year to plant grass seed for a lush and healthy lawn. Milder temperatures and less competition from other plants during this time make it easier for grass seeds to take root. This makes it easier for new turf growth to establish itself quickly.

What is the easiest grass to grow from seed? ›

Zoysia grass is a popular choice for homeowners who want to add some color and texture to their lawns. In fact, it's known as being one of the easiest turfgrasses.

Can I just throw grass seed down on dirt? ›

The aeration is able to loosen the soil and also activate the nutrients and make it easier for the seed to absorb when it is putting down its roots. Both of these treatments are performed right before the seed has been planted. If the seed is just thrown on the ground it will cause poor germination.

Can you put topsoil over sand to grow grass? ›

Can you put topsoil over sand to grow grass? You can add topsoil over sandy areas to create a more fertile ground for grass growth. This step helps improve the soil's water retention capabilities and promotes robust grassroots development.

What is the best fertilizer for grass in sandy soil? ›

Sandy soil benefits greatly from the addition of organic matter, such as compost, humus and seaweed in solid form. Organic matter can be used as a top dressing.

How do you thicken grass in sandy soil? ›

Aeration: Aerating your lawn is the process of removing small plugs of thatch and soil to allow air, water, and nutrients to move throughout the root zone. This maintenance practice helps reduce soil compaction and thatch accumulation. The results are a stronger, thicker, more vigorous lawn.

Should you water after putting grass seed down? ›

It is important to keep the surface area constantly moist until all seeds have germinated. Until the planted area is densely showing green growth, don't allow it to dry out.

Is it better to water grass seed in the morning or evening? ›

The morning time is a great time to water your lawn because the seeds will have enough time to soak in the water before the sun starts evaporating it. Likewise, the evening is also a good time because the sun will be weaker, so the seeds can still soak in the water while also having enough time to dry before sunset.

What is the toughest fastest growing grass? ›

Ryegrass is the most competitive and fastest growing grass seed species, which makes it ideal to repair lawn damage or overseed thinning lawns. Our Renovator seed includes a blend of three quality perennial ryegrass varieties, proven to repair lawn damage fast.

What is the fastest growing grass seed? ›

Annual ryegrass seed takes less than 10 days to sprout, boasting one of the fastest germination rates of commonly used grasses. It has an upright and coarse texture, with shiny, lime-green leaves. Because of its shallow root system, annual ryegrass requires constant irrigation to stay green year-round.

What is the best thing to plant instead of grass? ›

Ground Cover Plants

Popular varieties include sedum, creeping thyme, dichondra, Corsican mint, and chamomile, among others. "Ground covers are a good alternative because they require fewer inputs like water, fertilizer, pesticides, and labor to thrive than turf grass lawns do," says Gott.

Will perennial ryegrass grow in sandy soil? ›

Lolium multiflorum and Lolium perenne will grow on sandy soils if they are well fertilized, but do better on heavier clay or silty soils with adequate drainage (Miller, 1984). When soil moisture is low in the summer, perennial ryegrass goes dormant (Miller, 1984).

Does grass grow better in sandy soil? ›

As a result, sandy soil doesn't hold onto water or nutrients well and dries out more quickly. And while these characteristics can make growing grass tough, some grass species—specifically turfgrass varieties—thrive in sandy soil because it is less likely to hold standing water, which can injure or kill turfgrass.

Does fine fescue grow in sandy soil? ›

It can do well in a variety of soil conditions including rocky or sandy conditions. If the soil is more of a clay mixture or offers little nitrogen, it will not slow down this grass. You also do not need to use an excessive amount of fertilizer with Chewings Fine Fescue either.

How do you fertilize grass in sandy soil? ›

On lawns with sandy soils the application of no more than 1 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet should be made with at least 60 percent slow release nitrogen to minimize leaching losses.

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