Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (2024)

Zoysia is a particularly hardy grass that grows well in a wide range of conditions and requires far less watering and mowing than most grasses. At the same time, this "tough" grass creates a thick, soft carpet that feels great in bare feet. Zoysia is ideal because it actually grows differently. It sends out runners or "stolons," expanding sideways more than it grows tall.

Here's a short video about how to start a zoysia lawn:

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This is why it is so dense and effective at choking out most summer weeds and replacing existing grass. With our superior blend of zoysia, Amazoy®, you can plant a network of plugs in a new or existing lawn and it will grow into a lush, even, weed-free lawn within several growing seasons.

Cuts water bills

Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (1)

  • Zoysia's vigorous root system is so deep and extensive the grass rarely, if ever, needs watering -- zoysia can really cut your water bills.

Reduces mowing by two-thirds

  • The lateral growth of zoysia means it grows tall very slowly -- most people mow zoysia once for every three times they need to mow other grasses!

Zoysia thrives in heat and cold

  • "The hotter it gets, the better it grows." Zoysia loves blistering heat and yet it won't winter kill either -- it can survive to 30° below zero. It's perfect for extreme conditions as well as mild climates.
  • Amazoy plugs will thrive in the heat and sunshine, but will not be damaged by snow or cold weather conditions. Amazoy can withstand temperatures of 120° to -30°Fahrenheit.

Chokes out crabgrass and weeds all summer long

  • Your established zoysia lawn grows so thick with deep roots that crabgrass and other summer weed seeds cannot germinate.

No more chemicals

  • Since zoysia naturally resists insects and diseases, you avoid the cost, time and risk of exposing your family and pets to weedkillers and pesticides.

Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (2)

Never needs replacement -- even heals itself

  • It's beautiful and tough. The way it naturally grows outward along the ground in all directions, zoysia grass acts like a network of plants that can withstand heavy use, and will fill in if damaged.

Zoysia is THE answer for slopes, play areas and bare spots

  • You can't beat zoysia for hard to cover spots, worn areas or to end erosion on slopes. It even levels out ground irregularities.

You don't pamper zoysia - You enjoy it!

Clay Soil

"Planting in North Georgia red clay with no top soil or fertilizer ... the plugs greened up in no time."

Amazoy zoysia plugs will grow in all kinds of clay soils. Although clay soils are dense, Amazoy zoysia grass has strong roots that penetrate and create air passages for good root development.

Rock-like Soil

Amazoy zoysia plugs will grow in rock-like or granite soil, but you will need to mix in a layer of top soil before planting.

Salty soil

"My home is on the shore of Long Island Sound and we frequently have storms and the water splashes against our wall and sloshes up over it on our lawn, which is zoysia grass. The salt water has no effect on this grass." —E.N.

Amazoy zoysia plugs will grow in most salty soils. Because zoysia grass is highly salt tolerant, it is recommended for areas near coastlines where salty soils are often found. Amazoy will grow well in areas near roads and driveways that are salted to melt winter ice and snow.

Sandy soil

Amazoy zoysia plugs grow especially well in sandy soil because there are many airspaces that allow zoysia's roots to penetrate, providing quicker root development.

Soil pH

Although Amazoy zoysia grass grows well in many different types of soil, the ideal soil pH level is 6 to 7. pH levels can be altered by using granulated lime to raise the pH level or small quantities of sulfur to lower it. When using sulfur, it is important not to over-apply, as sulfur is an acidifying agent that can burn lawns.Insert a pH meter into your soil at several locations to determine pH levels.We offer an easy to use pH Meter.

Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (3)

Amazoy will thrive in full sunshine and is heat tolerant to temperatures up to 120°F

Amazoy can be planted in part shade, as long as the area to be planted gets at least 2 to 3 hours of direct sunlight a day.

If you are planting your plugs under trees, make sure that the pH of the soil is between 6 and 7. Trees have a tendency to alter the pH of your soil. pH levels can be modified by using granulated lime to raise pH and small quantities of sulfur to reduce it.

To determine the pH of your soil, use a pH meter or soil testing kit. We offer an easy to use pH Meter and Soil Test Kit.

Excellent on Slopes and Hills

Amazoy zoysia works very well in areas with steep slopes and hills. Amazoy plugs make it easy to plant the grass on steep areas and once established they will create a thick carpet-like grass. It will also require less mowing, which can be difficult and dangerous on steep slopes.

Great Erosion Control

"The grade in front of our house caused significant runoff...planting seed was impossible. The plugs held tight during all sorts of storms..."

Amazoy's deep root system (about 2 feet when fully established) and the thickness of the turf will work to significantly reduce slope erosion. Amazoy plugs make it easy to initially plant zoysia on steep areas as well.

Higher elevations can make for cooler temperatures particularly at night even in the heart of summer.Amazoy Zoysia is very heat and cold tolerant, however it is not recommended for planting at elevations above5,000 feet and may not do well on north facing slopes, even at lower elevations.

Safe for Children and Pets

Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (4)

Amazoy zoysia is completely safe for children and pets. Because there is no need to use poisonous chemicals on your lawn, your children and pets can romp on the lawn without fear of contamination. Zoysia's durability means you will have no worries about damage that can result from lawn play.

More Tolerant of Animal Waste

Zoysia is more tolerant to pet urine and feces than most grasses. However, no grass will survive prolonged or constant exposure to pet waste. Pets should be kept off of the new plugs for at least 30 days in order for the plugs to become established.

After the plugs are established, you can minimize the effects of pet waste by periodically liming the soil in order to restore the pH level to an acceptable range between 6 and 7.

Safe for Horses and Dogs

Amazoy grass plugs are safe for horses and dogs. While zoysia has minimal nutritional value, eating zoysia will not harm horses and dogs.

Amazoy zoysia grass is safe for wells and septic systems as well as leach fields. The developed root system of zoysia may reach 2 or more feet below the soil surface but cannot penetrate well walls, septic systems or damage underground lines.

Amazoy has an inherent resistance to the effects of most insects and diseases and resists injury from most chemicals when pest populations do require controls.

Once established, the dense turf created by zoysia significantly reduces summer weeds.Amazoy will choke out all existing cultivated and wild grasses, including Bermuda (often called wire grass) and St. Augustine.For best results keep these grasses away from newly planted zoysia plugs.

Zoysia, like deciduous trees, goes dormant after the first killing frost and will go off its green color until the ground reaches temperatures of about 50°F in the spring. This is a normal, healthy process. In fact, zoysia's ability to go "dormant" is important to its ability to better withstand extreme winter cold and still come back full and green every spring. Amazoy will not be damaged by snow and cold weather conditions. Amazoy can withstand temperatures of -30°Fahrenheit ( -30°F below zero).

Amazoy, the first cultivar to be released by the US Department of Agriculture is still the superior standard. Vegetatively propagated zoysia grass will provide a higher quality lawn than any of the seeded varieties.

Here's a short video about zoysia seed:

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Historically for homeowners, it has been extremely difficult to create a fine zoysia grasslawn from seed. It is hard to grow because zoysia seed is viewed as having a low germination rateand only a small percent will successfully grow. This low success rate is partly due to the seedbeing very sensitive to light, and if buried too deep it will be unsuccessful.

Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (5)

Areas to be established by seed need to be completely cleared of any old grass or weeds and tilledto a depth of 4-8 inches. Lastly, zoysia seed has very specific needs to be kept moist during thegermination process.

Zoysia seed is getting better all the time and is becoming more suitablefor homeowners who are willing to follow the rules for success.

Amazoy Zoysia grass resembles Kentucky bluegrass as far as texture and appearance. Each plug is a small piece of Zoysia sod that can measure as small as 1 inch square but can be much bigger in size just never smaller.

Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (6)

Amazoy Freestyle Plugs are shipped in 10" by 15" sheets of grass. Each sheet can produce up to 150 — 1" square plugs. The plugs can be cut bigger, that's the freestyle part. Bigger plugs means less cutting and less planting, but you will get less plugs from each sheet.

Super Plugs are precut for you into individual 3" by 3" plugs that are ready to plant. They will arrive in easy-to-handle trays of 15 Super plugs.

All plugs are shipped the same day they are packed with a moisture-proof lining so the roots reach you fresh, vigorous and ready to grow.

Zoysia plugs are living plants, therefore, we recommend planting them as soon as possible. If the plugs cannot be planted upon receipt, remove them from the cartons, placing blade side up in an area that receives some sunlight (not direct sun). Mist the plugs with water and keep them moist until planting. Plugs must be planted within 2 weeks of receipt.

Here's a short video about Amazoy zoysia plugs:

(Click the play button in the preview above to start the video)
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Zoysia Farm Nurseries: All About Zoysia (2024)


What is the disadvantage of zoysia grass? ›

Often, the lawn will stay brown well into Spring, which is a deal breaker for some. So, if year-round color is necessary for you, you may want to think twice before choosing zoysia grass. Zoysia will not tolerate heavy traffic during these dormant periods. Another negative is the very poor shade tolerance under trees.

What is the best fertilizer for Zoysia plugs? ›

If you decide to fertilize your new plugs do NOT use ordinary, granular fertilizers. They can burn or cause serious damage. You must use a water-soluble fertilizer, such as our own Nutri-20, which has been specially formulated for use on zoysia. In the important starting period, applications of Nutri-20 can do wonders.

What is the best time of year to plant zoysia? ›

Seeding Instructions for Zoysia Grass. The ideal time to plant zoysia is in mid- to late spring (after the final frost) or early summer. It can also be planted in fall, a minimum of 60 days before the first frost is expected.

What is the best fungicide for brown patches in zoysia grass? ›

For best results, you may consider using azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin or fluoxastrobin for controlling brown patch in your lawn.

Which grass is better, bermuda or Zoysia? ›

While each has its strengths, this comparison is general. Despite the varied breeding goals and performance of each cultivar, zoysia edges out with a score of 8/10 compared to bermuda's 7/10 in our series, making zoysia the turf war winner.

Why is Zoysia so hard to grow? ›

Grass seed, including Zoysia seed, is fragile and can be difficult to establish. Seeding and initial care must be performed during the warmest times of the year, when soil moisture levels are hard to control. Extreme care must be used to keep the seed and seedlings from drying out and dying.

What makes Zoysia grass grow faster? ›

Like all warm-season grasses, Zoysia grass thrives in heat and peaks in growth during late spring and summer months. The optimal time for major lawn care tasks is during this time of vigorous growth. As cool fall temperatures arrive, Zoysia grass slows and begins to go dormant.

Is Miracle Grow good for Zoysia? ›

Can you put Miracle-Gro on Zoysia grass? Miracle-Gro can be used on Zoysia grass, but it's essential to choose the appropriate Miracle-Gro product for lawns and follow the instructions for application rates and timing. Also, remember to apply it sparingly and avoid over-fertilization, as it can harm the grass.

Are coffee grounds good for Zoysia grass? ›

Coffee grounds can also contribute to better aeration and drainage, which leads to a healthier lawn, but unfortunately the caffeine is just too damaging. However, you can still keep your coffee waste out of the bin by adding it to your compost, where it can indirectly benefit the health of your soil.

Can you plant Zoysia seed over an existing lawn? ›

Overseeding zoysia grass is necessary to cover bald lawn patches and create a healthy lawn. You should overseed lawns in the late spring or early fall as temperatures are favorable for seed germination. If you overseed in the fall, spread seeds at least 60 days before the first frost.

What month does Zoysia grass turn green? ›

When should Zoysia green up? In the spring, your Zoysia grass will green up about ten days after the temperature is steadily above 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Zoysia grass conserves its energy until the temperatures are consistently warm, which is usually mid to late spring.

What time of day should I water my Zoysia grass? ›

Water early in the morning, when possible. Afternoon irrigation evaporates before it soaks into the soil, and evening irrigation can lead to fungus problems in zosyia and fescue. Irrigate every two to three days when summer temperatures are below 85 F, or every one to two days when temperatures are higher.

What happens if you put too much fungicide on your lawn? ›

Can You Put Too Much Fungicide on Your Lawn? Yes, you can use too much fungicide on your lawn. Always refer to the product instructions on the amount of fungicide that should be used, as too much can burn your grass or kill good microbes, negatively affecting the soil quality.

Is baking soda good for lawn fungus? ›

There are a few things that can kill lawn fungus naturally. One of the most effective methods is to use baking soda. Baking soda helps to create an alkaline environment, which will help to kill the fungus. You can either spread baking soda on your lawn manually, or you can mix it with water and spray it on your lawn.

What does fungus look like on Zoysia grass? ›

The patches often have an orange ring when the fungus is active and spreading. The grass leaves in the infected area will turn yellow or brown and start to wilt. Once this nuisance disease begins to cause extensive damage to your lawn, the affected areas often have a “sunken” look in the center.

Which grass is better, Zoysia or st augustine? ›

St. Augustines only spread through the above-the-ground runners, stolons. They are usually better than zoysias at choking out weeds for this reason. Since zoysias grow with both methods, they usually rank higher in wear tolerance, injury recovery and drought tolerance.

Will Zoysia choke out other grasses? ›

Zoysia is considered invasive and is known to take over lawns, when given enough time. That includes crowding out other grasses that exist in your lawn or newly seeded grasses that you plant.

Which is better Zoysia or fescue? ›

Zoysia is a fine-bladed, low-growing, heat-tolerant grass that is more environmentally friendly than the more common turf-type tall fescue. It requires less water, fertilizer and pesticides, and it doesn't need mowing as often. Its density all but shuts out weeds.

What is the lowest maintenance Zoysia grass? ›

Emerald Zoysia Plugs: One of the slowest growing Zoysia grass types, resulting in less mowing. Usually grown with sod or plugs, but can also be started from seed.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.