How to Choose the Right Grass Seed for Your Region (2024)

Establishing lush, healthy lawn grasses is a labor of love when you aspire to own a thick, beautiful lawn. Proper lawn maintenance, mowing and fertilizationall help achieve your goal, but success also rests on the grass itself. Whether you're establishing a new lawnfrom scratch or overseeding an existing lawn, matching the best cool- or warm-season grasses to your grass planting zone is essential to the task.

Cool-season grasses thrive in northern regions with moderate summers and cool spring and fall seasons. But they can struggle in southern heat. Warm-season grassesflourish where summer temperatures run extra high, but they can't withstand northern winters. By choosing premium Pennington grass seed products suited to your grass seed planting zone, you can give your lawn the seed it needs to succeed:

How to Choose the Right Grass Seed for Your Region (1)

  • ZONE A
  • ZONE B
  • ZONE C
  • ZONE D
  • ZONE E
  • ZONE F
  • ZONE G
  • ZONE H
  • ZONE I
  • ZONE J
  • ZONE K
  • ZONE L
  • ZONE M


Coastal Pacific Northwest lawns challenge grasses with cool, wet weather all season long. The cool temperatures and humidity west of the Cascades create conditions that favor the spread of fungal lawn disease. But some grasses, such as perennial ryegrass, naturally resist the diseases that strike grasses in rainy coastal winters. Grass research and breeding programshave developed improved varieties that build on these natural strengths.

Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix contains improved grass varieties that conserve water, germinate quickly and resist lawn diseases. Pennington Smart Seed Pacific Northwest Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines these grasses with cold- and shade-tolerant fine fescues for an optimal mix of grasses suited to the region.

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, Kentucky 31 tall fescue and turf-type tall fescues also do well in cool northern lawns. For Pacific Northwest lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines shade-tolerant fine fescues, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass.

For lawn areas with dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides shade-tolerant tall and fine fescues that thrive in shady lawns.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone A lawns


West Coast growing conditions vary significantly from northern California to the state's southern tip. With adequate irrigation, cool-season grasses can excel in the Mediterranean-like climate. Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend offers tolerance to cold, heat, drought and shade. Durable Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix creates a dense, lush lawn that requires up to 30% less water than ordinary seed.

Throughout California's central and southern regions, warm-season Bermudagrass offers full-sun lawns exceptional tolerance to heat, drought and heavy use. Pennington Smart Seed Bermudagrass Seed and Fertilizer Mix germinates and establishes faster than Bermudagrass alone. To keep dormant winter Bermudagrass lawns looking green, fall overseeding with perennial ryegrasses or Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seedcan add temporary green color.

For West Coast lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrassand fine fescues suited to mixed lawns. Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix offers shade-tolerant tall and fine fescues ideal for lawns with as little as two hours of full direct sun.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone B lawns


The Inland West and Northwest present diverse growing conditions. Temperature extremes, humidity, aridity and elevation all affect how well grasses perform in this grass planting zone. Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, tall fescue and perennial ryegrass do well in cool, arid inland areas from Montana westward, but adequate irrigation is essential.

Water-conserving Smart Seed mixes such as Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix and Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix offer improved varieties that require up to 30% less water than ordinary grasses to keep your cool-season lawn looking its best.

East of the Cascade Mountain Range down through Nevada and Utah, drought-tolerant tall fescue grasses such as Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend stand up to the zone's challenges especially well. Fine fescues with exceptional cold and shade tolerance also excel, particularly at higher elevations.

If your lawn has both sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines shade-tolerant tall fescue, fine fescues, perennial ryegrass and sun-loving Kentucky bluegrass in an optimal sun-and-shade mix. For dense shade areas that receive just two to six hours of sun, go with Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone C lawns


Anchored in the country's center, the northern Plains States comprise part of the country's cool-season grass-growing region. A line of demarcation that roughly follows state lines between Iowa and Nebraska separates this arid western zone from more humid eastern states.

Cool-season grasses such as Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and tall fescues flourish in this zone provided they get proper irrigation during dry weather. Improved grass varieties in Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix and Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mixrequire up to 30% less water than ordinary grasses once they're established. Drought-tolerant, deep-rooted tall fescues such as Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend and economical Kentucky 31 excel throughout this zone.

For lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines adaptable tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues. For lawns with dense shade in this zone, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a mix of tall fescue and fine fescues designed to thrive.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone D lawns


The Upper Midwest states bordering the Great Lakes comprise a cool-season grass-growing region with humidity levels similar to the Northeast. Home to some of winter's record low temperatures, the region's seasonal fluctuations demand grasses that thrive in unpredictable cool climates.

Bluegrasses such as Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix dominate in this zone, but ryegrasses and fescues also do well. Deep-rooted turf-type tall fescues excel under droughty conditions. Durable perennial ryegrass naturally resists insects and disease. Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix offers premium ryegrass varieties well-suited to Upper Midwest lawns.

If your lawn combines sun and shade, look to Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix for a combination of cool-season grasses designed to succeed with just four to six hours of sun. For difficult dense-shade areas, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a mix of tall fescue and fine fescues that flourish with as little as two hours of daily sun.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone E lawns


Cool-season grasses such as bluegrasses, perennial ryegrassand fescues prevail in the Northeast region of the United States. Cold winters, cool summers and high humidity create challenging conditions for many plants here, including lawn grasses. Northeast lawns need grasses that prefer cool temperatures and naturally resist lawn diseasesprevalent in this region.

Kentucky bluegrass flourishes throughout the Northeast, delivering finely textured, emerald-green lawns with the hardiness needed for cold northern winters. Innovations behind water-conserving Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix deliver increased shade tolerance, finer texture and desirable color.

Perennial ryegrasses provide early green-up even in cold Northeast springs. Pennington Smart Seed Northeast Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines Kentucky bluegrass varieties with other cool-season grasses such as perennial ryegrass and tough, cold-tolerant fine fescues ideal for Northeast lawns.

For sun-and-shade lawns, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines cool-season grasses that perform with as little as four to six hours of sun per day. For dense-shade lawn areas, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a shade-tolerant, cool-season mix designed to thrive with even less sun.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone F lawns


Central region states and the Midwest's heartland combine cold winters and hot, humid summers. Cool-season grasses such as Pennington Smart Seed Kentucky Bluegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mixflourish. Disease-resistant ryegrasses in Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix stand up to high humidity that can favor lawn diseases. Tall fescues such as Kentucky 31 tall fescuethrive here.

Pennington Smart Seed Ohio Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a drought-tolerant, disease-resistant mix of fine fescues, perennial ryegrass and Kentucky bluegrass ideal for cool-season Ohio lawns. Pennington Smart Seed Pennsylvania Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mixdelivers a cool-season mix of water-conserving Smart Seed grasses equally well-suited to Pennsylvania's harsh winter and summer heat.

For lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines tall fescue, perennial ryegrass, Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues suited to the climate. For lawn areas with dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a mix of tall fescue and fine fescues to thrive in cool-season lawns.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone G lawns


South-central U.S. states form the western half of the challenging grass region lawn pros call the transition zone. Cool, warm, humid and arid climates all collide in this region. Winters are too cold for some warm-season grasses and summers are too hot for some cool-season types such as Kentucky bluegrass.

Tall fescue is a low-maintenance, heat-tolerant, cool-season grass used extensively in this zone. Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend withstands the region's heat and drought with 40% more roots than ordinary grasses. Warm-season Zoysia grass, more cold-tolerant than Bermudagrass, also warrants extensive use.

Deep-rooted, water-wise Zoysia stays green longer in fall than other warm-season grasses, then it greens up earlier in spring. Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch retains its green color even longer than other Zoysia varieties.

For lawns with sun and shade in this challenging area, Pennington Smart Seed Southern Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines shade-tolerant tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and fine fescues designed for transition zone success. For lawns with dense shade areas, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a mix of tall fescue and fine fescues that thrive in shady lawns.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone H lawns


The central tier of U.S. states from the Atlantic Coast westward constitutes the eastern half of the grass-growing region known as the transition zone. Cool northern climates meet warm southern climates here; humid and arid regions intersect as well. In this zone, some cool-season grasses struggle with summer heat. And some warm-season grasses succumb to winter cold.

Heat-tolerant, cool-season tall fescue is a favorite among transition zone homeowners and lawn professionals. Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blendoffers 40% more roots than ordinary grasses, delivering exceptional drought and heat tolerance.

Zoysia grass, a widely used warm-season alternative, combines drought tolerance with more cold tolerance than Bermudagrass. Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch retains its green color longer in fall than other Zoysia varieties and greens up earlier than Bermuda in spring.

For transition lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Southern Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix combines shade-tolerant grasses that thrive with just four to six hours of daily sun. For lawn areas in dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix thrives with as little as two hours of direct sun per day.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone I lawns


Heat and humidity in the Southeast region create a warm, humid zone that stretches west from the Atlantic. Bermudagrass is the leading lawn grass in this warm-season grass planting zone where tolerances for salt, heat and drought excel. Zoysia grassalso suits this zone, especially where unexpected cold spells hit.

Pennington Smart Seed Bermudagrass Seed and Fertilizer Mix offers full-sun lawns exceptional heat and drought tolerance and establishes faster than Bermudagrass alone. To give dormant winter Bermudagrass lawns temporary winter color, fall overseeding with perennial ryegrasses or Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed keeps winter grass green.

Where high heat and humidity intensify, Bahiagrass and Centipede grass provide lawn owners with more options. Pennington Argentine Bahiagrass Grass Seed teams finer texture with durability and drought resistance. Low-maintenance Pennington TifBlair Centipede Grass Seed and Mulchprefers full sun but tolerates shade better than Bermudagrass. Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides an option for shady lawn areas with two to six hours of daily sun.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone J lawns


The coastal conditions of central and southern Florida demand grasses that can take high humidity along with heat. Extremely drought- and heat-tolerant, Bahiagrass and Centipede grass offer attractive low-maintenance choices. Salt-tolerant Bermudagrass, such as Pennington Smart Seed Bermudagrass Seed and Fertilizer Mix, offers exceptional heat and drought tolerance for homeowners looking for more traditional lawns.

Sun-loving Pennington Pensacola Bahiagrass Grass Seedis bred especially for bright coastal lawns and hot conditions. It thrives even in poor soil. Low-growing and low-maintenance Pennington Argentine Bahiagrass Grass Seedoffers improved density and deeper color.

Slow-growing Centipede grasses, such as Pennington Centipede Grass Seed and Mulch, typically stay green year-round in this zone's warm climate. Centipede prefers full sun, but it tolerates more shade than Bermudagrass allows.

Keep your dormant non-Centipede lawn looking green all winter by overseeding with perennial ryegrasses or Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed for temporary green winter grass. For lawn areas with dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix helps keep shady areas green.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone K lawns


The diversity of Texas soil and weather provide special challenges for turf grasses. But wherever you live in the state, one thing is constant: Heat and drought tolerance are essential to lawn grass success. Resilient, deep-rooted and drought-tolerant, warm-season Bermudagrass and Zoysia grass are leading choices for Lone Star lawns.

Pennington Smart Seed Texas Bermudagrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix is designed specifically for full-sun lawns with eight or more hours of Texas sun each day. Dense and durable, this innovative grass mix includes a temporary, cool-season companion grass that provides stability and early color as your Bermudagrass establishes.

For areas with cooler temperatures, Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulchoffers greater cold tolerance than Bermudagrass. Zoysia stays green longer in fall and greens up earlier in spring as well. To keep your dormant Bermuda or Zoysia lawn green in winter, overseed with perennial ryegrasses or Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed in fall.

For Texas lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Southern Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix provides a mix of shade-tolerant grass to keep shady areas looking prime. If your lawn has dense shade, Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix thrives with as little as two hours of Texas sun per day.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone L lawns


The warm, arid Southwest region presents extreme challenges to turf grasses in low- and high-desert climates. This planting zone combines saline water and alkaline soil with intense sunlight, high temperatures and varying elevations.

Resilient Bermudagrassis widely used in the region, but sufficient watering is essential in the desert climate. Pennington Smart Seed Bermudagrass Seed and Fertilizer Mix creates a dense, durable lawn that flourishes under the Southwestern sun and resists drought, insects and diseases common to the region. Deep-rooted, drought-tolerant Pennington Zenith Zoysia Grass Seed and Mulch provides added cold tolerance — especially helpful at higher elevations in the zone.

To keep dormant winter Bermuda or Zoysia grass lawns looking green, fall overseeding with Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed or perennial ryegrasses can add temporary green winter lawn color.

For Southwest lawns with sun and shade, Pennington Smart Seed Southern Sun and Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix offers a mix of shade-tolerant grasses to suit areas that receive four to six hours of daily sun. Dense shade areas call for Pennington Smart Seed Dense Shade Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix. This mix thrives with as little as two hours of daily sun.

Pennington grass seed recommendations for Zone M lawns


1. Rutgers University New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station,"Seeding Your Lawn,"February 2004.

2. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension,"Maintaining Bermudagrass Lawns in the Mojave Desert,"2010.

3. Oregon State University Extension Service,"Retail Lawn Seed Mixtures for Western Oregon and Western Washington,"November 2014.

How to Choose the Right Grass Seed for Your Region (2024)


How to Choose the Right Grass Seed for Your Region? ›

Best Grass Seed by USDA Plant Hardiness Zones

How to choose the right grass seed? ›

Choosing the Right Types of Grass Seed. You'll want to select types of grass seed that suit your climate and your yard's sun exposure. Also consider how much moisture your lawn will get, either from rainfall or irrigation. If you live in a dry area, look for a type of grass that resists drought.

Which lawn grass is most suitable for seeding? ›

Heat-tolerant, cool-season tall fescue is a favorite among transition zone homeowners and lawn professionals. Pennington The Rebels Tall Fescue Grass Seed Blend offers 40% more roots than ordinary grasses, delivering exceptional drought and heat tolerance.

How do I figure out how much grass seed I need? ›

Most seed bags will recommend a range such as 250-400 square feet per pound. Seeding a new lawn or spot repair usually takes roughly twice as much seed as overseeding an existing lawn. Use the rate with the heaviest coverage for new lawns and to fill in bare or damaged areas.

What is the best seed for a natural lawn? ›

Tall fescue is a hardy grass that resists pests and diseases. Generally, it can tolerate stress better, such as heat, drought or traffic. Kentucky bluegrass is another excellent choice. This variety of grass is also resilient, meaning bald spots in the lawn can regrow from underground roots over time.

How do I choose a grass type? ›

The simplest way to decide among the different types of grass which one is best for your lawn is by location. There are three basic climate areas to consider: Northern region (the blue area on the map) where cool-season grasses thrive. Deep South/Gulf region (tan) where warm-season grasses grow best.

How do I choose the right seeds? ›

Select seed varieties based on what you want to do with them. If you plan on saving seeds, you need to buy heirloom seeds. If you want plants that will produce exactly what they are supposed to, hybrid seeds might be the way to go. If you plan on selling something organic, you may need to buy organic certified seeds.

What grass seed do professionals use? ›

Have you ever wondered what brand of grass seed professionals use? The answer is Jonathan Green Black Beauty®!

What is the fastest and easiest grass seed to grow? ›

The Best Quick Growing Grass Seeds

Perennial Ryegrass, Annual Ryegrass, and Bermudagrass stand out as champions in this category. Perennial Ryegrass, as mentioned earlier, is a fast-growing favorite. Its quick germination and growth rate make it an excellent choice for lawn renovation or overseeding projects.

Where is the best time to plant grass seed? ›

Plant Grass Seed When the Weather's Mild

Planting in the heat of summer makes it harder to keep tender young seedlings thriving, so spring and fall are where it's at. "They're like the Goldilocks seasons for grass—not too hot, not too cold," Valenzuela says.

How much will a 50 lb bag of grass seed cover? ›

A 50 lb bag of grass seed can cover anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 square feet, depending on the seed type and seeding method. For overseeding, you'll cover more area than when seeding a new lawn.

Can I put too much grass seed down? ›

Quality grass seed labels include guidance on optimal seeding rates to maximize your results. Don't overdo or cut corners. Too much grass seed causes undue competition for resources such as light, water and nutrients, and grass seedlings struggle as a result. Too little seed leaves lawns thin or bare.

How to seed calculator? ›

Press MATH and use the right arrow key to scroll over to the PRB menu. Press the down arrow key to highlight rand and press ENTER. Press ENTER again. The calculator will display the same number you used from step 1 above, but it is now “seeded.”

How to pick a good grass seed? ›

To choose quality turfgrass seed, you need to understand the information presented on the seed label. The label contains valuable information including the cultivars, purity, germination percentage, crop seed, weed seed, inert material, noxious weeds and date tested.

How do I pick grass seed? ›

Hold the base of the inflorescence (the flowering portion of your grass that extends from the stem) with one hand. Using your other hand, slide your thumb and index finger upward to the top of the plant, gently squeezing as you go. Seeds will accumulate at the top of your fingers.

What grass seed will choke out weeds? ›

Chokes Out Weeds

Once established, the dense turf created by zoysia significantly reduces summer weeds. Amazoy will choke out all existing cultivated and wild grasses, including Bermuda (often called wire grass) and St. Augustine.

What is the best grass seed to start? ›

In general, Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue, and Bermudagrass are excellent choices for most lawns. Kentucky Bluegrass has that traditional lawn aesthetic, while Tall Fescue offers excellent durability, and Bermudagrass provides quick coverage and drought resistance.

What months are best to put grass seed down? ›

The best month to put grass seed down depends on the type of grass you have and where you live. The best time to plant grass seed for cool-season grasses is in early fall or around September. For warm-season grasses, late spring or early summer (May to June) is the optimal time.

Does grass seed go on top of soil or under? ›

Will grass seed germinate on top of the soil? Yes; in fact, germination will suffer if too much soil is placed on top of the seeds. The experts at Jonathan Green recommend placing a thin layer of mulch or topsoil over them to help keep them moist and warm and promote growth.

What is the difference between good and bad grass seed? ›

Purity: Be on the lookout for grass seed that has a high purity level, which means that it should contain no weed seeds, inert matter, or other contaminants. Germination rate: Choose a seed with a high germination rate, which should be 80 percent or higher.

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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