Amazing Follower Tweaks SE AE (2024)

This is a conversion and patch of the original “Amazing Follower Tweaks” suite of mods made by the original AFT author Dheuster. Made to workproperly for SE/AE. I wanted the AFT mods to work as well as they did in LE - while still having AFT work well with other mods. I like clean and focused mods, i.e., mods that do one thing well. This version of AFT works in a similar fashion.

Full functionality, stablility and compatibility were the goals.

Install order, List order and Load order for the AFT files are all the same:

  • Amazing Follower Tweaks(REQUIRED): The main mod.
  • Managed Follower Boost(REQUIRED):Increases the number of managed followers to 64. Adds ability to have 7 active followers.
  • No Friendly Spell Damage(REQUIRED):Followers won't start fighting each other cause so-and-so can't shoot straight.
  • Amazing Follower Tweaks – UpgrayDD(REQUIRED):This ensures the 3 original mods work with each other in SE & AE.
  • "Follow Tweaks (Optional - It improves how Followers physically follow you. Asimple mod made in the CK; delete it if you don't like it.)

Required Pre-Requisites:

Skyrim, Update, Dawnguard, HearthFires and Dragonborn (the base game and the official DLC for SE).
Mod List & Load Ordering:

  • Base game & all the DLC
  • External Dependencies
  • Mods & Frameworks that enable other mods (SkyUI, SPID, etc)
  • Meshes and Textures
  • Player Homes
  • Armor
  • Follower Mods
  • Custom, Unique or Special Followers
  • NPC Overhaul / Tweak / Replacer mods
  • Landscape and Flora
  • Weather & Lighting
  • Multiple Adoptions
  • Amazing Follower Tweaks suite of mods
  • Follow Tweaks
  • Horse mods
  • Appearance/Body mods
  • Animation/Posing
  • Alternate Start mods
  • Papyrus Scripting modification(extender, tweaks, etc)
  • Bodyslide / Immersive modified armor
  • High-Poly NPC's
  • Modern Brawl Bug Fix
  • Custom Patches & Overrides (inlc. Bashed patch)

Important Notes

AFT only works properly on a brand-new game!Only use or install AFT for a brand-new game with a brand new character. Going through the opening sequence and the carriage ride to Helgen always works. You can useASLAL but thus far I have only tested a few of the options.AFT will not work properly if it’s installed after you have already started.

I implore you, please read the documentation!The original “Read Me” files are still included; the AFT Book still shows up in your inventory.You only have read these once, it's worth it.

I've included theoriginal AFT descriptionas a pdfin the Misc Files section, this lists all of the features and functions of AFT.

If a mod changes NPC's in any way it should be placedAfter your Follower mods and, Before AFT in you mod List.AFT must be low in your modList:AfterOverhauls, NPC, and Follower mods. AFT files do not conflict with other mods generally but some mods may override or change game data that AFT needs.

AFT must be very low in your Load order. The only mods that should be lower than AFT should be patches, ASLAL, Modern Brawl BugFix,etc. If LOOT or a mod manager sorting function places AFT in the middle or close to the top,you need to manually move the AFT ESP’s very close to the bottom of your Load order.Using LOOT is a good place to start, but check your load order and make sure it's ordering is what your mod list needs and, it's what you want.

If you make patches (Wrye Bash, xEdit) make sure the patch records do not override "Amazing Follower Tweaks - UpgrayDD". The exception would be appearance/trait modifying records, these do not affect AFT. Armor records will not affect AFT either. When in doubt, let AFT win conflicts with other mods.

If you have a slower computer

or you have mods that are script heavy, your best bet is to leave them disabled when first starting your game. Then, after you start the main quest line (the quest to go to Whiterun): Save, Quit, enable those script heavy mods and then, Reload your save game. AFT scripts are quick and clean but this is not the case with alot of other mods.

I recommend the following mods that work great with AFT and improve NPC’s, Immersion and Followers:

  • I’m Walking Here NG
  • To Your Face
  • No Follower Attack Collision
  • Missing Follower Dialogue
  • Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Lite
  • AI Overhaul
  • Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
  • My Home Is Your Home (MHIYH)
  • Simple Horse SE
  • The Disciplinary Switch (for when your followers get out of line, lol)

Amazing Follower Tweaks was made by “Dheuster”:

Additional Information

AFT is, and probably always will be, the best Follower Manager. I played with a similar version with patches without issues for a couple of years,from SE through all the AE updates. I kept promising to upload a workingbug-free version, so here it is. If you encounter any problems with this conversion and patch of AFT, with the base game and DLC, please let me know.

The problems some folks had with the first SE conversion of AFT were not caused by bad AFT files or code. Most issues were caused by game updates, conflicts with other mods not as well-written as AFT, or user error. The first SE conversion was just the generic process of porting a LE mod to SE.The major differences between this new version and the first SE conversion is the fixing of: dialogues, factions, horses, player homes, marraige, AI, and other content - AND it includes the AFT Manged Follower Boost.

AFT was written without any external dependencies. It manages the in-game follower system/framework – but it does not change it. AFT has 365 different scripts and 3 main esp's. Even though AFTis a large mod, it is very focused and very clean - AFT only affects Followers. Therefore, it is very compatible with other clean, well-written and focusedmods. It does not require many resources and this version should run very smooth in SE/AE.

Remember, AFT is only for followers and follower mods that adhere to the in-game follower system and NPC packages.Most follower mods add a new basic NPC, have face and body files, modify perks, and add armor - none of this will cause issues with AFT. The vast majority of follower mods can be managed by AFT or any follower manager.

Custom unique followers will work alongside AFT. I've tried a few and they work fine

in parallel with AFT. See the section below for more information on custom and unique followers.

Dog Followers: You can use appearance, skill and trait/perk changers for any dog followers wihtout issue.

I recommend Simple Horse SE. It has an option to have "Followers Ride". It is better than AFT's "Followers Ride Extra Horses"; Simple Horse SE spawns a horse for your follower that disappears when they dismount as opposed to AFT's requirement to actually have enough owned horses. If you use Simple Horse SE, or any other Horse mod, turn Off AFT's"Followers Ride Extra Horses", which is On by default. I worked hard on AFT's horses and stabling so it does work but, it is very easy for other mods to interfere with with this aspect of the game.Simple Horse SE may need to be re-engaged from time to time if followers stop riding.If a Horse mod adds in new horses that are not part of the base game/ DLC then AFT will not be able to manage some aspects of these horses including re-naming them.This would include both versions of Wild Horses. AFT will not interfere with these mods but AFT cannot fully manage these new horses. Armor, saddles, appearance and riding of new horses should not be an issue, but AFT wont be able to manage them properly because AFT only has slots for the 20 or so horses originally included in the base game and DLC.

Compatible: (as of 1/2023)

  • USSEP (4.2 and higher)
  • USMP
  • Wet & Cold
  • Run For Your Lives
  • Missing Follower Dialogue
  • Relationship Dialogue Overhaul LITE
  • Mysticism
  • Race compatibility
  • AI Overhaul
  • My Home is Your Home
  • Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
  • Simple Horse SE (works great, very compatible with other mods)
  • SchakenFM

See the Optional Files Section for Compatibility PatchesI have over 700 mods in my list, and I load500+ mods, so this version of AFT is very compatible with an awful lot of othermods. As far as the big unofficial DLC like Falskaar, Legacy, or similar - someone else will have to do the extensive testing these mods will require. I may check a couple but it will take time.

Not Compatible (probably):

  • Other Follower Frameworks or Managers (this includes Nether's, UFO, etc.)
  • Immersive Citizens (Any mod that makes serious changes to NPC’s will cause issueswith AFT - especially IC)
  • Interesting NPC’s (it would need a serious a patch, disabled functionality and long-term testing)
  • iAFT
  • Serana Dialogue Add-On aka SDA(if you must, use the original version, still available for download)
  • Relationship Dialogue Overhaul SE(use RDO Lite instead)
  • Mods that change Marriage, Follower, Hireling or Housecarl: Factions, AI, Quests or Packages
  • Wild Horses (Nexus version probably incompatible; it does something to Horse or NPC factions that affects NPC's reactions to all horses)

Dheuster's Original Video for AFT:

Compatability & Custom Unique Followers

Some followers are special: Sofia, Recorder, Inigo, Ambriel, and others. Custom and unique followers may have special AI, packages, voices, scripts, modify base game quests, special built-in management functions, etc.Serana and Cicero are special base game followers.Most follower mods are not custom or unique and, most follower mods and non-essential NPC's can be managed by any follower manager including AFT. Customfollower mods should state if they work with Follower Managersor not. It really depends on wether or not the follower mod author made the custom follower compatible with follower manager mods.Custom follower features that should work fine with AFT include: custom quests outside of base game quests, custom AI that does not change base game follower AI, armor, traits, skills, perks, combat styles, custom dialogues that do not override base game dialogues, custom packages that do not interfere with base game follower packages and, custom sounding voices or custom idle chatter.

If you want AFT to manage a custom follower that does not necessarily work with follower management mods:Wait until you have completed any custom quests the follower mod has added and, any base game quests the custom follower modifies,

before having AFT import and manage the custom follower. The same rules apply to MHIYH,or any mod that manages NPC/Follower packages, withcustom NPC's and Followers.Results will vary based on the custom Follower/NPC complexity. AFT should warn you if a follower is not compatible.Cicerois the most complex base game follower. There are actually 3 different versions of Cicero in-game, and AFT has NPC records for him, and USSEP adds some new packages for Cicero and also has his records... he was a pita to get right. That nasty clown should be fully functional now; see the optionalCompatibilty patch for USSEP in the downloads section.Seranacan beimported and managed by AFT but you should wait until her quest line is complete. Let me know if you have issues with Serana or Cicero.Sofia and Recorder both work with AFTbut since each has thier own follower managment, it may be better to use their built-in functions. I personally let AFT manage these two followers and have had no issues. Sofia is more complex than Recorder.If you have mods that change both the appearance and the actions of NPC's or Followers you will have to make the decisions forListandLoadorder. You will most likely have to make a patch, or live with consequences of letting one mod override another.Some mods that you may not suspect can contain NPC data. AFT includes appearance records for 3 NPC's:Cicero and the Dark Borhterhood Initiates.These NPC records have the same appearance data as the base game records as well as some AFT specific data.

Custom followers may cause issues, especially if you have more than one loaded up.If a custom follower was completely stand-alone then they might not affect anything but, if they interact at all with base game data then,

only one custom follower will have all the correct Dailogue, etc. -and this can affect Quest progression amongst other things.Custom Followers may compete with each other for base game data; the last one loaded will win. They may also conflict with mods like AI Overhaul or any NPC overhaul mod. This has nothing to do with AFT. You can patch some of these conflicts for your load order. It depends on the custom follower mod you're using, some are much more complicated than others. Ambriel for instance, I only recommend using her on a separate play-thru just for her quests.

Custom followers may also effect Navmesh and pathing, make world or terrain edits, or change/interfere with quests - crazy right? Again, you'll have to make a patch for your specific mod list and load order.

Race compatibility mods (including one off-site), Mfg, USMP, Expressive Facial animations, etc., will all help give you a better expereince with Followers / NPC's and will help make sure NPC's / Followers act like they are supposed to with better compatibility across the board.

AFT has records that affect base game spells and combat. So if you have mods that effect spells or combat you will have to decide which mod wins. For instance, AFT changes the strength of some spells so followers don't become overpowered using base game spells. There is a patch for

Mysticism in the downloads section.

I'd upload my own custom follower but I made a mistake with her voice and she doesn't speak out loud... or maybe she's perfect!

There are at least a couple of

complimentary Follower Managment modsthat are compatible with AFT. I use "SchakenFM" with AFT and have had no issues, in fact, SchakenFM has been able to make some things happen with followers and solve problems with followers that AFT simply cannot do, especially when importing NPC's or poorly made followers, followers that use another language, etc. "NPC Party" is untested by me but states that it works with AFT. Both these mods add in extra functionality and features for managing followers.

Additional Mod Recommendations:

  • Migal's mods, off-site on his own page, he's the author of Bathing Beauties Luxury Suite - one of the best player homes you can find. Tons of space and beds for followers and, you can have followers live there without taking up a follower slot using recruitment through AFT. Also, he has awesome Housecarl replacers including making the male Housecarls female. Eli placed her AE/CK Home right where BBLS was, so they are not compatible.

  • SchackenFM, off-site.A non-intrusive well-written follower manager mod that works well with AFT - it will sense if you have AFT installed. Very helpful tools! Follower tracking, some Racemenu changes in-game, teleporting, inventory tools, and much more.

  • Ayleid Palace,Large popular player home,been around for a long time. Tons of space and beds for followers. There is one issue with AE, the CK mod Umbra puts a Cave in the same spot!! Ayleid works but you won't be able to access the CK mod assets there.
  • Animated Wings Ultimate here on Nexus and the Flying Overhaul mod. Works with followers and AFT once you learn how to use it properly.
  • I personally like the "Waterview" player home here on Nexus and the other player home mods made by that author.
  • Female Hirelings, make Marcurio and/or Berland female.

  • My Home Is Your Home, compatible with AFT and a very useful tool for followers sleep/home location and work assignments.

  • Run Haven and associated mods. Off-site.

To Do

: More long-term testing (time is a factor in Skyrim); Test in Skyrim VR; maybe change the Bonus outfit; patches for other popular mods including the original SDA; make an "AIO" AFT mod or at least a FOMOD for the suite of mods.

Amazing Follower Tweaks SE AE (2024)


Does Amazing Follower Tweaks work on AE? ›

This is a conversion and patch of the original “Amazing Follower Tweaks” mods made by the original AFT author Dheuster. Made to work properly for SE/AE.

Where should amazing follower tweaks go in load order? ›

AFT must be low in your mod List: After Overhauls, NPC, and Follower mods. AFT files do not conflict with other mods generally but some mods may override or change game data that AFT needs. AFT must be very low in your Load order.

How to dress followers in Skyrim? ›

With mods it's fairly easy; however without mods what you will have to do is either take away all other clothing and armor they have and so they are forced to wear what you give them; or if that isn't an option cuz they are being pack mules, then you can just upgrade whatever you want them to wear and give it the ...

How do you get multiple followers in Skyrim se? ›

Method. Dismiss your follower, then immediately rehire them. Then prompt the conversation with the Initiate or Cicero. If you are fast enough, the dialogue displays the option to hire the Initiate, even though you already have someone following you.

How many followers can you have with amazing follower tweaks? ›

What does this mod do? It raises the maximum number of active followers that can be following you at one time to 7, as well as raising the number of managed followers to 64.

Should you manage serana with aft? ›

As a general recommendation, it is wise not to manage Serana with follower framework mods like AFT and EFF especially during the Dawnguard quests. Her AI is complex compared to the average vanilla follower and adding her into these follower frameworks could break her brain (Source 1, Source 2, Source 3).

Can you give your wife clothes to wear in Skyrim? ›

If she isn't a follower you can't change their clothes. If she isn't a follower you can't change their clothes.

How do I force my NPC to wear clothes in Skyrim? ›

Open console and click on the NPC - the NPC's ID will be displayed mid screen. Type equipitem (item id) 1. Make sure you have that 1 at the end or they will remove the item later. This definitely works - I've changed a lot of the (non follower) NPCs armor/clothing this way and it has not reverted back to default.

Does J. Zargo wear armor? ›

J'zargo equips one-handed weapons, heavy armor, and light armor if they are given to him, but in combat, he tends to use dual cast destruction spells until his magicka runs out. He favors shock spells. Despite being a mage, he has an unusually high skill in heavy armor as well as one-handed weaponry.

What's the most amount of followers you can have in Skyrim? ›

By default, you can only have one humanoid follower and one animal follower at a time. There are some exceptions. During the Dawnguard quest line, there are points where Serana stops following you. Before continuing, you can fast travel away and get another follower.

How many ESPS can you have in Skyrim se? ›

ESP filename behave like full plugins. Skyrim Special Edition, Skyrim Anniversary Edition and Enderal SE have a total limit of 254 (0x00 to 0xFD) full plugins (ESM + ESP) and 4096 light plugins (ESL), which use 0xFE as the load order form ID.

How do you get all 4 followers in Skyrim? ›

You also could have 4 followers if you get 100 conjuration and get the perk Twin Souls to summon two Atronachs or Thralls (constant) depending on if you did the quest for Phinis (College of Winterhold) then get a dog and a follower.

Is Skyrim SE and AE the same? ›

Just to be clear; AE is just CC content for SE (paid mods) when a mod says for like AE 1.6xx. It means it's for the latest version of skyrim se / skse64. You don't NEED to own and download CC to use said mod(s). Unless the mod requires SAID Creation club items are required to be downloaded.

Does AE have presets? ›

After Effects includes hundreds of animation presets that you can apply to your layers and modify to suit your needs, including many text animation presets. You can browse and apply animation presets in After Effects using the Effects & Presets panel or Adobe Bridge.

Is AE the best editing app? ›

While Premiere Pro is intended for cutting, arranging, and enhancing things you've already shot, After Effects is the industry standard for creating impressive motion graphics and visual effects to your videos.

How can I make my AE cache faster? ›

Optimize Disk Cache: After Effects utilizes a disk cache to store temporary files, which can significantly speed up rendering and previewing. Go to Preferences > Media & Disk Cache to configure the disk cache settings. Increase the disk cache size and choose a fast and dedicated drive for the cache location.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.